Go Hands-On with QuarkXPress 7 at Macworld

Register to tryout QuarkXPress 7 hands-on.

Next mon­th’s Macworld Conference & Expo in San Francisco will fea­ture hands-on class­es where you can try out the as yet unre­leased QuarkXPress 7. The class­es will demon­strate and allow atten­dees to try out new fea­tures such native sup­port for trans­paren­cy, OpenType, and XPress 7’s upgrad­ed lay­out tools.

Fifteen hands-on pre­view class­es will be held between Tuesday, 10 January and Friday, 13 January. Each class is 45-minutes long, and will be con­duct­ed at the fol­low­ing times on all four days: 11:15 am, 12:15 pm, 2:15 pm, and 3:15 pm. Resistration is cur­rent­ly open, and includes a free exhib­it hall pass, but space is limited.

Classes will be pre­sent­ed at Macworld, which is being held at San Francisco’s Moscone Convention Center January 9–13. Quark’s booth, #2007, will be open January 10–13.

Quark VS InDesign​.com, in coop­er­a­tion with Designorati, will of course be pro­vid­ing up to the minute cov­er­age both Macworld and the QuarkPress 7 pre­view classes.