Graphic Inspector 1.0 Release


Toronto (ON), Canada–MARCH 1, 2007–Zevrix Solutions today announced the release of its new soft­ware Graphic Inspector, which pro­vides exten­sive info about graph­ic files and helps locate poten­tial prob­lems accord­ing to user defined settings.

Graphic Inspector is a pre­flight solu­tion for both images and vec­tor graph­ic files on the Mac OS Finder lev­el. The pro­gram is designed to help users of any trade, whether it’s print, web, pre­press, pub­lish­ing or dig­i­tal pho­tog­ra­phy. With Graphic Inspector, users can quick­ly get cru­cial infor­ma­tion about entire fold­ers of files thus elim­i­nat­ing the need to open and check each file man­u­al­ly. Graphic Inspector will dis­play info about file’s kind, col­or mode, res­o­lu­tion, com­pres­sion, col­or pro­file, dimen­sions, spot col­ors, fonts, EXIF data and oth­er attributes.

The high­ly cus­tomiz­able Checkup Presets will let users quick­ly spot files with unwant­ed attrib­ut­es sav­ing hours of man­u­al check­ing and help­ing elim­i­nate cost­ly mis­takes. For exam­ple, users can make Graphic Inspector warn about all files whose col­or mode is RGB, for­mat – JPEG, res­o­lu­tion is below 200 dpi, ICC pro­file does­n’t con­tain “USWebCoated” etc.

Users can also export all file data as tab-delimited text, open files with their default appli­ca­tion, reveal files in Finder, scan sub­fold­ers and sort the file list by any attribute.

Graphic Inspector 1.0 is priced at US$25 and can be pur­chased from the Zevrix Solutions web site, http://​www​.zevrix​.com. Demo is also avail­able for download.
Graphic Inspector 1.0 is avail­able for Mac OS X 10.4.2 and higher.
Graphic Inspector is a Universal Binary and runs native­ly on Macs with both Intel and PPC processors.

About Zevrix Solutions
Zevrix Solutions is ded­i­cat­ed to devel­op­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty solu­tions for desk­top pub­lish­ing on Mac OS. Zevrix Solutions is locat­ed in Toronto (ON), Canada.
Contact: Leo Revzin, President, support@​zevrix.​com