Guides Help Find the Center of an Image

Once in a while it’s use­ful to find the cen­ter of a Photoshop document–either the hor­i­zon­tal cen­ter, ver­ti­cal cen­ter, or both. While you could Select All, get the dimen­sions from the Info palette, then divide them in half, there’s an eas­i­er way (one that works more reli­ably after a long day than your abil­i­ty to do math).

Activate the rulers with CMD+R (CTRL+R), and drag a guide from one ruler or the oth­er toward the approx­i­mate cen­ter of the image. As you get close, the guide will auto­mat­i­cal­ly snap to the mid­dle of its axis–X for ver­ti­cal guides, Y for horizontal.