HumanEyes Debuts Turnkey 3D Lenticular Creation Solution for Designers


Jerusalem & New York – March 13, 2007 –- HumanEyes is ship­ping Creative3D, soft­ware engi­neered specif­i­cal­ly for the pro­fes­sion­al design com­mu­ni­ty and offer­ing design-centric tools for 3D and lentic­u­lar effects cre­ation. HumanEyes is also debut­ing this week its free com­pan­ion ser­vice, Creative Marketplace, which match­es design­ers to lentic­u­lar print­ers who can out­put high qual­i­ty 3D & lentic­u­lar effects.

Creative3D is priced at $299 U.S., and a 60-day, fully-functional tri­al can be down­loaded at www​.humaneyes​.com. Creative3D per­mits design­ers to uti­lize the high-impact, dynam­ic visu­al appeal of 3D and 2D lentic­u­lar effects with low invest­ment and com­plete con­trol over the design. In addi­tion to spec­tac­u­lar 3D cre­ation, Creative3D includes acclaimed HumanEyes tech­nolo­gies such as exclu­sive 2D to 3D con­ver­sion; flips; and zoom, opac­i­ty, move­ment and rota­tion animations. 

Creative Marketplace gives cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als a fast, easy and reli­able avenue for get­ting their lentic­u­lar jobs pro­duced on time and on bud­get. Creative Marketplace is a free, 24/7 web- based ser­vice accessed direct­ly from the Creative3D envi­ron­ment, and allow­ing users to quick­ly post their projects on-line, where they then receive price and time quotes. The Creative3D user can review the esti­mates – and only then decide whom he or she would like to work with. All inter­ac­tions are anonymous. 

Amir Veresh, HumanEyes Vice President of Marketing, says, “The Creative Marketplace reduces the time and effort from cre­ation to fin­ished prod­uct for the Creative3D user, as well as offer­ing the PrintPro 2.0 print­er a great chance to expand their busi­ness and com­mu­ni­cate with poten­tial cus­tomers. Introducing this ser­vice is an addi­tion­al step in HumanEyes’ vision of mak­ing lentic­u­lar a pop­u­lar and fea­si­ble media for main­stream brand own­ers, cre­ative agen­cies and printers.”

About HumanEyes Technologies Ltd.
HumanEyes Technologies Ltd., with offices in Jerusalem and New York, has devel­oped and patent­ed sim­pli­fied meth­ods for cre­at­ing stereo panoram­ic 3D pic­tures. Using math­e­mat­i­cal algo­rithms devel­oped at the Hebrew University, the soft­ware over­comes opti­cal lim­i­ta­tions that have exist­ed for over 90 years, to allow cre­ation of a new stan­dard in 3D pic­tures. It has been deter­mined that adver­tise­ments cre­at­ed using this tech­nol­o­gy result in dra­mat­i­cal­ly increased impact on the viewer.

HumanEyes’ Board of Directors includes: Benny Landa, founder and for­mer CEO of Indigo (now a divi­sion of Hewlett-Packard); Duby Hodd, HumanEyes CEO; Yoav Chelouche, for­mer President and CEO of Scitex; Mimi Sela, CEO of Landa Ventures; Alon Dumanis of the Van-Leer Group and Gideon Ben-Zvi for­mer CEO and co-founder of HumanEyes, Ligature and Wizcom.

For dis­tri­b­u­tion ques­tions in North America, call: (800) 552‑7344. For dis­tri­b­u­tion ques­tions out­side of North America, call: +972 2 651 8999, write 3D@​humaneyes.​com or vis­it: http://​www​.humaneyes​.com.