ImageReady CS3

For Web graph­ics work, some peo­ple pre­fer ImageReady’s very Photoshop-like inter­face to FireWorks’s obvi­ous­ly Flash-esque con­trols and inter­face. Fans of droplets–ImageReady’s desk­top icons onto which raw images could be dragged and dropped to instant­ly out­put Web-ready PNGs, GIFS, or JPEGS–are also dis­ap­point­ed to see that func­tion­al­i­ty absent from FireWorks. Alas, ImageReady was retired after ver­sion CS2; FireWorks is its replacement.


If you pre­fer ImageReady to FireWorks there’s absolute­ly no rea­son why you can’t con­tin­ue to use ImageReady CS2 even in an oth­er­wise all-CS3 workflow.

Creative Suite 3 did­n’t change the PSD file for­mat very much, and ImageReady CS2 will open and edit even PSD doc­u­ments saved from Photoshop CS3. The lat­est ver­sions of Photoshop, DreamWeaver, GoLive, Flash, Illustrator, and so on will, of course, still under­stand images cre­at­ed by ImageReady, too. The only thing tru­ly lack­ing is the roundtrip con­nec­tion that enabled Photoshop CS2 and ImageReady CS2 to send files to one anoth­er live, lock­ing the image from edit­ing in the oth­er appli­ca­tion. If you can live with hav­ing to launch ImageReady from a dock or Start Menu icon rather than a Photoshop Tools palette but­ton, and then hav­ing to use File > Open to bring an image into ImageReady, you can keep this great Web graph­ics edi­tor part of your cur­rent workflow.

When you upgrade from Creative Suite 2 or Photoshop CS2 to CS3, you’ll like­ly unin­stall the old­er ver­sion. During the unin­stall process, you can cus­tomize the unin­stall process, selec­tive­ly remov­ing or leav­ing Creative Suite 2 appli­ca­tions. Just be sure to exclude ImageReady from the unin­stall; it will remain on your com­put­er, ready to con­tin­ue serv­ing your Web graph­ic needs…

At least until Apple or Microsoft changes your oper­at­ing sys­tem so much that CS2 will no longer run. That’s what hap­pened to anoth­er Adobe Web graph­ics appli­ca­tion, ImageStyler, which debuted at the same time as the then-standalone ImageReady 1.0. Unfortunately, ImageStyler nev­er saw ver­sion 2.0, nev­er was bun­dled with Photoshop, and nev­er was updat­ed to OS X- and post-Windows 98-compatibility. Still, you should get at least a few more good years out of ImageReady; hope­ful­ly by then Adobe will have incor­po­rat­ed your favorite fea­tures into FireWorks.