ImageSwapper for InDesign Ships


London, UK – 21 February 2007 –­ XChange International, the source for extend­ed tech­nol­o­gy world­wide, are pleased to announce the release of the new ImageSwapper plug-in. ImageSwapper is a flex­i­ble and time-saving plug-in which stream­lines the process of replac­ing low res­o­lu­tion, for-placement-only
(FPO) images with their high res­o­lu­tion coun­ter­parts and con­ve­nient­ly works with any image type sup­port­ed by Adobe InDesign includ­ing TIFF, JPEG and PDF file formats. 

Developed in close col­lab­o­ra­tion with pro­duc­tion depart­ments at a num­ber of major mag­a­zines, ImageSwapper has been opti­mised to be an effec­tive and time-saving pro­duc­tion tool. ImageSwapper is designed to allow pro­duc­tion spe­cial­ists to replace all the images in a doc­u­ment with a sin­gle edit­ing ses­sion, and has many fea­tures to save time and increase efficiency.

The user selects two points on both the orig­i­nal and replace­ment image, and with that infor­ma­tion ImageSwapper will auto­mat­i­cal­ly cal­cu­late how much the replace­ment image should be rotat­ed and scaled, while offer­ing the option to man­u­al­ly over­ride any set­ting. It fea­tures a sin­gle, straight­for­ward dia­logue and offers numer­ous fea­tures that enable fast, pre­cise, seam­less replace­ment of low-res images.

Users are pro­vid­ed visu­al tools to quick­ly set up an image swap, then fine tune changes with ImageSwapper’s man­u­al con­trols. ImageSwapper allows users to sep­a­rate­ly enable, dis­able, and over­ride scale and rota­tion amounts, and it will also allow for set­ting of min­i­mum thresholds.

– Simple and effec­tive ‹ Choose two points on the orig­i­nal image and the same two points on the replace­ment image, and ImageSwapper will cal­cu­late the exact rota­tion and scal­ing necessary.
– Built for pro­duc­tion speed ‹ Replace all images in a doc­u­ment in a sin­gle sit­ting. ImageSwapper is loaded with fea­tures to save time and increase efficiency.
– Built for pre­ci­sion con­trol ‹ Use the visu­al tools to quick­ly set up an image swap, then fine tune changes with ImageSwapper¹s man­u­al controls.

ImageSwapper allows users to sep­a­rate­ly enable, dis­able, and over­ride scale and rota­tion amounts, and will also let users set min­i­mum thresholds.
ImageSwapper is ide­al for any pub­li­ca­tion that fre­quent­ly swaps low-resolution images for high-resolution replacements.

ImageSwapper is avail­able now through XChange International. To order, or for more infor­ma­tion, users can vis­it www​.xchangeuk​.com, or call on +44(0)20 7490 4455 dur­ing UK busi­ness hours. Email address is info@​xchangeuk.​com.

XChange are a lead­ing sup­pli­er of desk­top graph­ic and pub­lish­ing appli­ca­tions, QuarkXTension® tech­nol­o­gy; Adobe InDesign®, Acrobat® and Photoshop® Plug-ins® and oth­er design and pub­lish­ing util­i­ties. XChange offer extend­ed tech­nol­o­gy prod­ucts from across the world spe­cif­ic to the graph­ic design, print and pub­lish­ing indus­tries and make them avail­able to an exten­sive user base via their print­ed cat­a­logue or online at their web site. The com­pa­ny are head­quar­tered in Central London and also offer spe­cial­ist train­ing on many of the solu­tions they sell.