InBrief XPress (2005-08-08)

All the News for Those Who Print

  • Apple’s Automator Allows Workflow Shortcuts
    A new fea­ture in Mac OS 10.4, Automator enables cre­ative pros to build work­flow short­cuts in a drag-and-drop envi­ron­ment with­out writ­ing any code.…
  • Printer’s Type reviewed
    A review of Richard Southall’s recent book, Printer’s type is the lat­est install­ment of Sumner Stone’s Alphabet Farm Journal.…
  • Who’s Watching the Adobe-Macromedia Merger?
    As Adobe and Macromedia await word of DOJ rul­ings on the impend­ing merg­er and what will become of the com­pa­nies’ com­pet­i­tive prod­ucts, both move for­ward with stock­hold­er votes. But if applications–DreamWeaver, GoLive, FreeHand, FireWorks, or Homesite–have to sell, who is like­ly to buy?…
  • Hartford Courant Finds Cure to Font Woes
    Case Study: Extensis Font Reserve Server saves news­pa­per’s sup­port staff from hav­ing to chase down rogue fonts and makes font man­age­ment an easy job.…

  • Delivering Files That Print
    Creating a press-ready doc­u­ment is not sim­ple. Publishers who under­stand most com­mon prob­lems can save their print­er lots of aggravation.…
  • MetaCommunications Offers File Management for Creative Pros
    Digital Storage Manager 1.0 pro­vides tag­ging, search­ing and archiv­ing of files used in a Mac-based cre­ative workflow.…
  • DocuMerger by Mapsoft: plu­g­in for Adobe Acrobat
    DocuMerger merges tem­plate PDF files with the exist­ing doc­u­ment con­tent, spec­i­fy­ing which page you want to merge. This tool allows you, for exam­ple, to apply com­pa­ny let­ter­heads to PDF content.…
  • Flattener by Mapsoft: plu­g­in for Adobe Acrobat
    Flattener allows you to dra­mat­i­cal­ly reduce the size of cer­tain PDF files by flat­ten­ing active parts with­in the doc­u­ment, like nav­i­ga­tion but­tons and forms.…
  • Markzware Announces the Release of FlightCheck Studio for Adobe InDesign
    FlightCheck Studio Resolves Design Problems With Quick And Easy Detection And Correction! Press Release Rijswijk, The Netherlands–(–July 28, 2005–Markzware, the lead­ing devel­op­er of qual­i­ty con­trol for dig­i­tal files used in the glob­al graph­ic arts and print­ing industries …
  • Introducing FogLamp
    FogLamp con­verts Fontographer font source files (.fog data­bas­es) into FontLab-compatible .vfb files.…
  • HELIOS “Create PDF Server” Now Supports Acrobat 7
    HELIOS Software GmbH, a lead­ing serv­er solu­tions devel­op­er, today announced that HELIOS PDF HandShake Create PDF Server now sup­ports Adobe Acrobat 7 on Mac OS X and Windows.…
  • Tutorial: How-To Fill Type with Artwork in InDesign
    How would you fill type with art­work or imagery? Would you do it in Photoshop or Illustrator? If the artwork-filled type is going to end up in your InDesign lay­out any­way, why not just fill the type direct­ly with­in InDesign? Lord knows I love Illustrator and Photoshop, but one of the most frequent …
  • Tutorial: How-To Fill Type with Artwork in Quark
    How would you fill type with art­work or imagery? Would you do it in Photoshop or Illustrator? If the artwork-filled type is going to end up in your QuarkXPress lay­out, why wor­ry about trans­paren­cy, clip­ping path, or image pre­view issues? Why not just fill the type direct­ly with­in XPress? One of the…
  • Macromedia CEO Tells IDB Adobe Merger a Good Thing
    In a recent inter­view with Investors Business Daily, Stephen Elop, CEO of Macromedia, expressed con­fi­dent opti­mism about the Adobe-Macromedia merg­er, the DOJ inves­ti­ga­tion, and cus­tomer reac­tions. ” The broad sen­ti­ment among our cus­tomers, among the pop­u­lar press and so forth is that this deal is so…
  • Comic Sans, price­less!
    In yet anoth­er blow to the pop­u­lar font’s small band of detrac­tors the mak­ers of MasterCard’s award win­ning “Priceless” TV ads have picked Comic Sans for their lat­est TV ad fea­tur­ing a bunch of kids mess­ing around in their garden.…
  • Jupitermedia Extends Reach of Graphic Design Magazines Online
    Jupitermedia Corporation (Nasdaq: JUPM), today announced that it has increased its efforts to reach graph­ic design­ers and cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als by bring­ing the con­tents of STEP Inside Design Magazine and Dynamic Graphics Magazine online.…
  • First Look: Macromedia Studio 8
    Macromedia did­n’t let a lit­tle thing like a merg­er stop its engi­neer­ing team from cre­at­ing a whole new ver­sion of its Studio soft­ware. Creativepro​.com gives you a first look at the beta software.…
  • Top Catalog Publishers Embrace Adobe InDesign CS2
    Macy’s West, Plow & Hearth, Staples Cite Enhanced Quality and Production Efficiency in Decision to Move to InDesign CS2 Press Release SAN JOSE, Calif.–(–Aug. 2, 2005–Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced that top retail­ers Macy’s West, Plow & Heart…
  • onOne Software Purchases Plug-in Products from Extensis
    New soft­ware devel­op­er onOne Software pur­chas­es pop­u­lar line of pro­duc­tiv­i­ty enhance­ment prod­ucts for Photoshop and QuarkXPress. Press Release PORTLAND, OR–(CREATIVEPRO.COM)–July 28, 2005–Independent soft­ware devel­op­er, onOne Software, Inc. today announced the launch of their new com­pa­ny with th…
  • Grooming Tomorrow’s Graphic Designers, Part 1
    Opinion: Author and instruc­tor Erika Kendra would like to see the lev­el of pro­fes­sion­al­ism improved in the ranks of young graph­ic artists, and she has some ideas for doing it.…
  • Why We Need Prints in a Digital World
    Opinion: Even as the dig­i­tal rev­o­lu­tion threat­ens film ven­dors like Eastman Kodak, a need remains for a sol­id way to pre­serve present mem­o­ries for the future.…
  • X‑Rite and Quark Announce New Color Management Bundles for QuarkAlliance Users
    Press Release GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–July 28, 2005–Quark and X‑Rite (NASDAQ:XRIT) announce two new col­or man­age­ment bun­dles exclu­sive­ly for QuarkAlliance mem­bers. These supe­ri­or col­or solu­tion pack­ages ensure that col­or is accu­rate­ly cap­tured and com­mu­ni­cat­ed from the begin­ning of t…
  • X‑Rite Pulse ColorElite System Wins PIA/GATF Intertech Technology Award
    Press Release: Grandville, MI ” August 1, 2005 “X‑Rite (NASDAQ: XRIT) today announced that its Pulseâ„¢ ColorElite System has received the 2005 PIA/GATF Intertech Technology Award, one of the most cov­et­ed awards in the graph­ic arts indus­try. The Pulse ColorElite System was select­ed by a pan­el of ind…
  • PitStop Pro Heads Off Costly Last-Minute Glitches
    Review: This pow­er­ful add-on tool­box for Adobe Acrobat is a must-have for PDF pro­duc­tion professionals…
  • Electronic Editions Could Save Plenty … if Readers Switched
    Rising costs of postage and paper give pub­lish­ers a major incen­tive to con­vert cir­cu­la­tion from print to elec­tron­ic, but adop­tion remains in the ear­ly stages.…
  • SoftCare Plug-ins Overset Manager and Notes Manager Now Available for InDesign and InCopy CS2
    SoftCare updates thi­er pop­u­lar Plug-ins to work with Creative Suite 2; will still work with Creative Suite 1…
  • Apple’s Tiger vs. Windows Vista: Who Comes Out Ahead?
    Source: eWeek Written By John Rizzo When Windows Vista ships in late 2006, Windows will mim­ic many fea­tures of Apple’s Tiger and go beyond it. But while Microsoft intro­duces the world to Vista, Apple is keep­ing mum about its next ver­sion of Mac OS X, which Steve Jobs has said will ship at about th…
  • Macro Manager
    Source: Forbes Written By Chana Schoenberger & Stephen Elop’s first act as chief exec­u­tive of soft­ware com­pa­ny Macromedia was to put him­self out of the top job. & Elop, 41, took over as chief in January. Within weeks, he was talk­ing to rival Adobe Systems (nas­daq: ADBE – news – peo­ple ) ab…
  • New promise for design­ers from print heavy­weights
    Source: Macworld UK The Digital Printing Council has recruit­ed Adobe, Canon, HP, Kodak and oth­ers for a major ini­tia­tive to be revealed in September. The Digital Printing Council is a body backed by the Printing Industries of America/Graphic Arts Technical Foundation (PIA/GATF). This the world’s l…
  • Error: “…topic…applies to a CS2 prod­uct you have not installed” or miss­ing con­tent (Help Center)
    Source: Photoshop Support Knowledgebase Issue: Adobe Help Center is miss­ing con­tent or returns the error, “The top­ic you want to view applies to a CS2 prod­uct you have not installed.” Solutions Do one or more of the fol­low­ing solu­tions: Solution 1: Delete the Adobe Help Center data­base and cache…
  • Markzware’s FlightCheck Studio Keeps Projects on Track
    The com­pa­ny’s Version 1.3 of its pre­flight tool for Adobe InDesign CS and CS2 facil­i­tates group design projects and offers a unique “on the fly” cor­rec­tion feature.…
  • K4 Publishing System Version 5.5 by SoftCare GmbH: plu­g­in for Adobe InDesign
    The K4 Publishing System is an edi­to­r­i­al sys­tem for Adobe® InDesign® and Adobe InCopy®, designed to organ­ise the work of graph­ic design­ers and edi­tors, as well as to con­trol the pro­duc­tion process. With its mul­ti­level secu­ri­ty con­trols and robust cus­tomiza­tion options, K4 sup­ports tra…
  • Fujitsu Announces Bendable Color E‑Paper
    The medi­um has the abil­i­ty to retain images in its mem­o­ry with min­i­mal pow­er con­sump­tion, the com­pa­ny says.…
  • FitTextToFrame by COMWell soft­ware: plu­g­in for Adobe InDesign
    Tired of adjust text kern­ing and point size in a fixed rec­tan­gle frame? This plug-ins can help you to adjust text point size automat­ly. You can use three type adjust type: fixed char­ac­ters scale, fixed char­ac­ters width and fixed char­ac­ters height. It can make all text fit­ting to frame.…
  • Save 25% On All Total Training Photoshop DVDs
    Total Training has a big blowout sale going on right now. Just land on their front page and you’ll see the notice – all their train­ing pack­ages are now avail­able with a spe­cial 25% dis­count. If you’d like to pre­view some of the Total Training series for Photoshop, vis­it our Total Training page where…
  • BookMarker by Mapsoft: plu­g­in for Adobe Acrobat
    Use the TextSelect tool from the Acrobat tool­bar to high­light a sam­ple of text. Bookmarker then uses the attrib­ut­es of the select­ed text to define a par­tic­u­lar book­mark lev­el. Bookmarks can be nest­ed to any level.…
  • QuarkXPress 7.0 From the Inside
    Will XPress 7.0 be the upgrade that puts Quark back on top?’s Gene Gable spent two days at Quark’s Denver head­quar­ters to find out and emerged with a cau­tious­ly opti­mistic exclu­sive report that delves deep­er into what Quark has let out of the bag so far–and hints at a few things the…
  • Macromedia Tools’ Outlook Mixed
    With Adobe’s acqui­si­tion of Macromedia, many prod­ucts on both sides will change, stag­nate or be dropped altogether.…
  • Typefi Announces Version 2.5 of the Typefi Publishing System – The Automated Scriptless Publishing Solution
    World leader in dynam­ic enter­prise pub­lish­ing releas­es the lat­est ver­sion of their XML-based auto­mat­ed script­less pub­lish­ing sys­tem. Press Release San Jose, CA–(–July 28, 2005–Typefi Systems, Inc. has announced the release of ver­sion 2.5 of its flag­ship Typefi Publishing Syste…