InBrief XPress (2005-06-29)

All the News for Those Who Print

  • Corel Corporation Appoints New CEO and Chairman
    Corel Corporation, a top ten glob­al pack­aged soft­ware brand, today announced the appoint­ment of David Dobson to Chief Executive Officer. Dobson suc­ceeds Amish Mehta, who will be ele­vat­ed to the role of Chairman
  • WindJack Solutions, Inc Has Released AcroDialogs, a Graphical Designer for Creating Acrobat JavaScript Dialogs
    WindJack Solutions, Inc has released AcroDialogs, a graph­i­cal design­er for cre­at­ing Acrobat JavaScript Dialogs. This Acrobat plug-in makes cre­at­ing your own cus­tom dialogs quick and easy.
  • Ingram Micro to Distribute PANTONE ColorVANTAGE Inks in US
    Designed for a wide range of cus­tomers – from com­mer­cial print­ers to pho­tog­ra­phers and design­ers – PANTONE ColorVANTAGE inks are for­mu­lat­ed to pro­duce supe­ri­or col­or out­put on inkjet print­ers at a low­er price point than OEM inks. Ingram Micro also dis­trib­utes PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® Guides and chips books, as well as the ColorVision® Spyder2â„¢ col­orime­ter from the PANTONE ColorVision prod­uct line.
  • DxO releas­es Optics Pro v3.0
    DxO Labs announces that DxO Optics Pro v3.0 Digital SLR and lens auto­mat­ic image qual­i­ty enhance­ment soft­ware is avail­able. DxO Optics Pro v3.0 incor­po­rates rev­o­lu­tion­ary optics, noise and expo­sure cor­rec­tions in an all-new, easy-to-use, feature-rich appli­ca­tion for both Mac and PC users.
  • Enfocus Software Teams with Apple and xpe­dx for Perfecting PDF Workflows” Summer Seminars For Designers, Printers & Publishers
    Enfocus Software, the world leader in PDF qual­i­ty man­age­ment solu­tions for the graph­ic arts indus­try, is team­ing with Apple and xpe­dx to present “Perfecting PDF Workflows,” a July sem­i­nar series, tak­ing place in Florida.
  • TypeFitter by Teacup Software: plu­g­in for Adobe InDesign.
    Fitting text has nev­er been so quick, sim­ple and effec­tive with the intro­duc­tion of TypeFitter for Adobe InDesign. Utilizing InDesign’s sophis­ti­cat­ed jus­ti­fi­ca­tion algo­rithms, TypeFitter offers a stream­lined approach to pro­duc­ing great look­ing typography. 
  • Universe Software Presents PDF-FieldMerge 3.2
    For an easy and effi­cient com­pa­ny work­flow UNIVERSE Software GmbH presents it´ lat­est edi­tion of pdf-FieldMerge with many addi­tion­al features.
  • Discount: Creative Suite Conference
    From Ben Willmore’s ‘Where Is Ben?’ blog: “I’ll be pre­sent­ing a full day ses­sion on the Essentials of Photoshop at the upcom­ing Creative Suite Conference in Las Vegas on July 19th. If you use CSC05LVWIL as your coupon code when sign­ing up, then you’ll get into my class for less then 50% of the usu­al cost.”
  • dot-font: Paperback Reader
    John Downer’s new type fam­i­ly Paperback is designed to work as a text face for ordi­nary books.
  • Quark’s Collaboration Card
    Many have writ­ten off Quark, but Publish​.com exec­u­tive edi­tor Sean Gallagher thinks the com­pa­ny’s focus on col­lab­o­ra­tion (among oth­er things) in the upcom­ing QuarkXPress 7.0 will bring some cus­tomers back into the fold.
  • Adobe Activation? Don’t Worry, Be Happy
    Many peo­ple feel that once you pay for a soft­ware pro­gram, you should be able to install it on any com­put­er you own. But with mul­ti­ple com­put­ers (desk­tops at work and home, lap­top for the road) becom­ing more com­mon, hon­est soft­ware users are bump­ing into licens­es and acti­va­tion restric­tions that don’t share those same feel­ings. Is Adobe head­ed for a dra­con­ian acti­va­tion policy?
  • Reactions to Microsoft’s Alleged Photoshop-Killer
    Microsoft’s new image edi­tor, cur­rent­ly in beta under the code­name Acrylic, is not well-received by cre­ative pros, pro­sumers, or the media. CGExplorer has a round-up of Acrylic reactions.
  • Staffers think out­side frame for pho­to illus­tra­tions
    Photographers, design­ers, artists and edi­tors can get pret­ty darn cre­ative when it comes to cov­er designs for the newspaper’s many spe­cial sec­tions. “You want some sort of illus­tra­tion that will real­ly grab the reader’s atten­tion. [The Charles Bannister] one was fun and live­ly and did that well,” said Minla Shields, the AJC’s dai­ly edi­tor for photography
  • Mixing Inks for a ‘Rich Black’ Adds Depth to Printed Images
    Printers use dif­fer­ent blends to pump up the black, and design­ers can improve their out­put by under­stand­ing the process.
  • With Acrobat 7 Professional, It’s the Little Things that Count
    Review: After the major over­haul that Acrobat saw in ver­sion 6, the lat­est upgrade focus­es on plug­ging holes and mak­ing work easier.
  • Silhouette by Free Soft s.a.: plu­g­in for Adobe Illustrator
    Silhouette is a new vec­tor­iza­tion plu­g­in for Adobe Illustrator that con­verts bitmap images to vec­tors images with rev­o­lu­tion­ary state-of-the-art cor­rec­tion tools and interface.
  • Teacup Software Releases TableStyles and CellStyles Update
    Teacup Software announces the launch of TableStyles and CellStyles 1.1, a free update that sup­ports Adobe’s lat­est release, InDesign CS‑2. This new update also sup­ports InDesign CS-2’s new “snip­pet” fea­ture, so that any styled tables or cells can be round tripped into and out of a snip­pet and still retain their for­mat­ting. The update also pro­vides sup­port for InDesign’s INX for­mat, allow­ing users to save TableStyles and CellStyles back­wards to InDesign CS‑1. Straightforward fea­tures and full com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with InDesign CS‑2 make the updat­ed plug-in an indis­pens­able tool for artists and design­ers work­ing with a vari­ety of doc­u­ments such as tables, charts and annu­al reports.
  • SOTA, TDC, and Parsons Present TypeCon2005 During New York “Type Week“
    The Society of Typographic Aficionados (SOTA) and pre­sent­ing part­ner the Type Directors Club (TDC) have announced speak­ers and addi­tion­al details on TypeCon2005: Alphabet City.
  • Paper Tips: Bend Over Backward
    There are so many ways to fold print­ed pieces, and so many odd terms to describe the folds: accor­dion, gate, exot­ic, map, par­al­lel… If you’re even a lit­tle con­fused, read this primer. The easy-to-understand descrip­tions, help­ful draw­ings, and tips for what folds are best for par­tic­u­lar sit­u­a­tions will make you a mas­ter of folds.
  • Painting Competition: Artrom Just Paint 2005
    This is an art com­pe­ti­tion for painters, artists who use paint, real paint, col­ors squeezed from a tube – acrylics… oils… tem­pera… any kind of paint. Artists who get their hands dirty. Artists who use a brush. Artists who have not lost the faith in the pow­er of pure paint­ing as an art form. No dig­i­tal process art, no pho­tog­ra­phy. The con­test’s theme is com­plete­ly free and open. Entry fee: 25 Euro to sub­mit 3 images.
  • Journalism Project Tests Viability of PDF-Delivered News
    University of Missouri stu­dents learn by pro­duc­ing dig­i­tal edi­tions of col­lege news­pa­per under the guid­ance of long­time dig­i­tal news advocate.
  • Xtags by Em Software, Inc.: plu­g­in for Adobe InDesign
    Xtags is a pow­er­ful text fil­ter that auto­mat­i­cal­ly cre­ates fin­ished doc­u­ments from a tagged text file. Xtags gives IT depart­ments, OEMs, and sys­tem inte­gra­tors a way to auto­mate the con­struc­tion of com­plex doc­u­ments with­out learn­ing InDesign inter­nals or cre­at­ing cus­tom plu­g­ins, and it gives tag-using end users the pow­er they need for com­plex edi­to­r­i­al jobs.