InDesign Conference Launches Podcast

Co-sponsored by InDesign Magazine, who shares it’s edi­to­r­i­al direc­tor, David Blatner, with the InDesign Conference, the InDesign Conference Podcast fea­tures a dif­fer­ent InDesign Conference pre­sen­ter in each episode. In the first, the exu­ber­ant Sandee Cohen reveals nest­ed style tech­niques that replace mul­ti­ple para­graph styles and auto­mat­i­cal­ly style price lists into retail style–large dol­lar dig­its with small­er cents and dol­lar symbol.

Although the video com­pres­sion cre­ates some pix­e­la­tion and fuzzy edges on text, the video­cast is a must-see.

The QuickTime tuto­r­i­al is avail­able via free sub­scrip­tion, and can be either down­loaded in its entire­ty or watched direct from the site in an embed­ded win­dow. Watch a short, low-resolution pre­view or sub­scribe to see the full video at: http://​www​.idusers​.com/