InDesign CS2 Garners Strong Review Press

MacAddict magazine and chime in with strong positive InDesign press

Unless QuarkXPress 7 packs a pow­er­ful set of new fea­tures, the exo­dus of QuarkXPress users to InDesign is like­ly to continue

With the advent of sum­mer (in the Northern Hemisphere, any­way), pos­i­tive reviews of Adobe’s page design flag­ship con­tin­ue to come in.

In it’s August num­ber, MacAddict review­er John Cruise returns a rat­ing of 4/5 (or, in MacAddict par­lance, “Great”).

Strengths cov­ered in the review (not as yet avail­able online) include object styles, default object styles for objects (“a true time­saver”), anchored objects, Snippets (“like a library object, only smarter”), InDesign’s new word processing-style func­tions, Quick Apply, and improved MS Word compatibility. 

He also cites notable QuarkXPress catchup features–shape con­ver­sions, text-wrap for anchored objects, lay­er show-and-hide in PSDs (as well as PDFs), and show/hide of PS lay­er comps (“some­thing you can’t do in QuarkXPress”). Weaknesses fea­ture things we’ve seen dis­cussed before–ID won’t gen­er­ate a new page when enter­ing text into a mas­ter text frame, can’t cre­ate different-sized pages with­in a doc­u­ment, no syn­chro­nized text, no HTML export-things that QuarkXPress does do.

Despite the room for improve­ment, review­er Cruise still opines, in the last para­graph, that “unless QuarkXPress 7 packs a pow­er­ful set of new fea­tures, the exo­dus from QuarkXPress users to InDesign is like­ly to continue”.

The update offers so many improve­ments and enhance­ments, it’s easy to see why folks are migrat­ing to the Adobe prod­uct from QuarkXPress.

Meanwhile, this review read­able at Mac news site Macsimumnews​.com runs along most­ly the same lines, cit­ing many of the same strengths and weak­ness­es. Macsimumnews​.com also notes the lack of a History palette, and would like to see record­able actions in InDesign.

However, despite the flaws, the art­cle observes that this update “offers so many improve­ments and enhance­ments, it’s easy to see why folks are migrat­ing to the Adobe prod­uct from QuarkXPress”.

Overall the con­sen­sus seems to be that while InDesign CS2 isn’t rev­o­lu­tion, it is evo­lu­tion, and good strong devel­op­ment, and that QuarkXPress, though much improved, is still in the catch-up position.

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