InDesign Magazine Launches

Cover: InDesign Magazine July/August 2004 (Premiere) Issue
Cover: InDesign Magazine July/August 2004 (Première) Issue 

The inau­gur­al issue of InDesign Magazine just hit, er, web-stands. This 48-page, PDF-only mag­a­zine from CreativePro​.com and David Blatner is packed to the, uh, pix­els with how-tos, why-fors, and what-nots. The table of con­tents reads like a who?s who among InDesign gurus. Editorial Director David Blatner is of course there, as is his Real World: InDesign col­lab­o­ra­tor Olav Martin Kvern. Sandee Cohen, Diane Burns, Mordy Golding, Kacey Crouch, John Cruise, and Scott Citron, who also laid out the mag­a­zine, fill out the ven­er­a­ble roster.

If you haven?t got­ten your free tri­al issue yet, you should.