InDesign Magazine Releases New Sample Issue

Newly updated sample issue of PDF-based publication holds trove of power tips. ivermectina efectos adversos en perros


InDesign Magazine, the PDF-based bimonth­ly ded­i­cat­ed to deliv­er­ing pow­er tips, tricks, and reviews that aim to make the InDesign user more pro­duc­tive and informed, have just released an updat­ed ver­sion of their free sam­ple issue.

So that prospec­tive sub­scribers can try before buy­ing, we pro­vide a free tri­al issue. how to deter­mine liq­uid iver­mectin dosage But that tri­al, the very first issue of the mag­a­zine, has been show­ing its age late­ly,” wrote Terri Stone, InDesign Magazine’s editor-in-chief, in the lat­est edi­tion of the e‑newsletter Creativeprose Weekly. “To give you a bet­ter feel for who we are now, I’ve just com­piled some of my favorite arti­cles from our first sev­en issues. iver­mecti­na defini­cion

The result is a sam­ple issue full enough of inter­est­ing tips and tricks that you’ll feel like you’re get­ting away with some­thing for down­load­ing it. The fea­ture arti­cle includes InDesign tips for Text, Graphics, Documents, Tools, and Colors; there’s a pro­file of two very intel­li­gent OpenType fonts (Adobe’s Bickham Script and House’s Ed Interlock); an arti­cle about lay­ers in InDesign by Pariah Burke, and David Blatner explains why it’s good to have clip­ping paths in InDesign.

The sub­scrip­tion price starts at $59 for a 6‑issue, 1‑year sub­scrip­tion, but a spe­cial $39 price is avail­able (see the Editor’s Note on the Contents page for the spe­cial pro­mo­tion­al code) for down­load­ers of the tri­al issue.

Visit InDesign Magazine’s web­site at http://​www​.inde​sign​mag​.com, and fol­low the “free tri­al issue” link to get your copy.

(via CreativePro​.com)