InDesign User Group Denver to Stage Inaugural Meeting

Denver InDesigners now have the ben­e­fit of a new InDesign Users Group chap­ter offer­ing cam­er­ade­ship, net­work­ing and con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion on what’s new and cool in Adobe® InDesign® CS3–as well as the usu­al chances to win prizes.

The inau­gur­al meet­ing of the Denver chap­ter is sched­uled for Tuesday 24 April at 6:30 pm at the Front Range Community College cam­pus, Westminster Campus, 3645 West 112th Ave., Rocky Mountain Room, Westminster, Colorado.

The cen­ter­piece of the meet­ing is to be Lisa Forrester from Adobe demon­strat­ing the new fea­tures and ben­e­fits of InDesign CS3.

The meet­ing is free, but there is a min­i­mal charge for raf­fle tick­ets for the prize give­away. Find com­plete details at the Denver chap­ter’s page here.