Announces New Videocast Partnership


September 20, 2006 — InDesignSecrets​.com is proud to announce the imme­di­ate avail­abil­i­ty of Michael Murphy’s The InDesigner video­casts on the InDesignSecrets web site (http://​www​.inde​signse​crets​.com). “We’re thrilled that Michael has agreed to pro­vide his video­casts through our site,” said David Blatner, co-host of InDesignSecrets. “He has a rare com­bi­na­tion of design sense and the abil­i­ty to teach how to use these tools well. Best of all, he show­cas­es all this in a high-quality video presentation.” Anne-Marie Concepción, Blatner’s busi­ness part­ner and co-host, notes: “Mike does a fan­tas­tic job at show­ing how InDesign’s fea­tures can be put to work in real-world page lay­out chal­lenges. Having him join forces with our pop­u­lar audio pod­cast and blog at InDesignSecrets just makes sense. It’s a win-win for us and for the entire InDesign community.”

All 28 past episodes of The InDesigner are cur­rent­ly avail­able at www​.inde​signse​crets​.com/​t​h​e​i​n​d​e​signer. Many of the video­cast episodes are avail­able in two sizes for opti­mum view­ing on either a Mac OS or Windows com­put­er, or an Apple iPod.

InDesignSecrets​.com has been broad­cast­ing audio pod­casts since November 2005, and has become the pre­mier provider of inde­pen­dent infor­ma­tion about Adobe InDesign on the web. The show is host­ed by David Blatner and Anne-Marie “HerGeekness” Concepcion, well-known names in the world of desk­top pub­lish­ing. The InDesignSecrets pod­cast has a rapid­ly grow­ing audi­ence of over 4000 lis­ten­ers per episode, recent­ly top­ping 120,000 total down­loads. The InDesignSecrets​.com web site and blog, launched in May 2006, gets over 50,000 unique vis­i­tors each month from all over the world.