Instant Image Catalog Generation For Quark & InDesign

ChooseFile, mak­ers of ID Image Book 1.2 for InDesign CS, today announced the release of QXP Images Book 1.1, a QuarkXPress 6 or lat­er Xtension that auto­mates the import of images and auto­mat­i­cal­ly for­mats the images into a catalog. 

Strictly OS X (ChooseFile does­n’t do Windows), both ID Image Book and the new QXP Image Book will auto­mat­i­cal­ly import and gen­er­ate a cat­a­log of all sup­port­ed images in a fold­er. Supported image types include: Photoshop PSD, PDF, TIFF, JPEG, EPSF, Scitex CT, PNG, and GIF. The ID Image Book for InDesign CS also sup­ports the Adobe Illustrator AI file format.

Catalogs may be gen­er­at­ed with images alone or images with cap­tions, and the lay­out is ful­ly cus­tomiz­able from with­in the Images Book inter­faces. Captions may be con­fig­ured to include var­i­ous file infor­ma­tion such as file name or size. Options for num­ber of columns and rows, their gut­ters, key lines, and on which page of the doc­u­ment to begin gen­er­a­tion of the cat­a­log are includ­ed in the Images Book dialog.

ChooseFile mar­kets the QXP Image Book Xtension and ID Image Book Plugin for rapid cre­ation of cli­part or pho­to­graph asset cat­a­logs, cit­ing that, once Image Book has gen­er­at­ed the cat­a­log in its host appli­ca­tion, both Quark and InDesign can then export to PDF.

Both QXP Image Book 1.1 and ID Image Book 1.2 are US$20.00 share­ware, avail­able for down­load from ChooseFile​.com. Unfortunately for Windows-based cre­atives and pro­duc­tion peo­ple, ChooseFile has no plans of port­ing their prod­ucts over.