ChooseFile, makers of ID Image Book 1.2 for InDesign CS, today announced the release of QXP Images Book 1.1, a QuarkXPress 6 or later Xtension that automates the import of images and automatically formats the images into a catalog.
Strictly OS X (ChooseFile doesn’t do Windows), both ID Image Book and the new QXP Image Book will automatically import and generate a catalog of all supported images in a folder. Supported image types include: Photoshop PSD, PDF, TIFF, JPEG, EPSF, Scitex CT, PNG, and GIF. The ID Image Book for InDesign CS also supports the Adobe Illustrator AI file format.
Catalogs may be generated with images alone or images with captions, and the layout is fully customizable from within the Images Book interfaces. Captions may be configured to include various file information such as file name or size. Options for number of columns and rows, their gutters, key lines, and on which page of the document to begin generation of the catalog are included in the Images Book dialog.
ChooseFile markets the QXP Image Book Xtension and ID Image Book Plugin for rapid creation of clipart or photograph asset catalogs, citing that, once Image Book has generated the catalog in its host application, both Quark and InDesign can then export to PDF.
Both QXP Image Book 1.1 and ID Image Book 1.2 are US$20.00 shareware, available for download from Unfortunately for Windows-based creatives and production people, ChooseFile has no plans of porting their products over.