Judging Has Begun

Judging in twin design competitions begins, call for entries closed.

The dead­line for sub­mis­sion of entries into both the “Celebrate QuarkXPress Postcard Competition” and “Celebrate InDesign Postcard Competition” passed at 11:59 PM Pacific Time, Monday, 16 May 2005. We received many amaz­ing designs from pas­sion­ate InDesign and QuarkXPress fans, and judg­ing the six win­ners of the incred­i­ble prizes below will be chal­leng­ing. It is a chal­lenge to which we look for­ward to.

Winners will be announced, and win­ning post­card designs pub­lished, on Quark VS InDesign​.com on or before 30 May, 2005.

The offi­cial con­test page (and con­test rules) will remain avail­able dur­ing the judg­ing and announce­ment peri­od for ref­er­ence by inter­est­ed parties.

We thank all of those pas­sion­ate design­ers who sub­mit­ted their designs!