Jupitermedia Launches Adobe LiveCycle Developer Center

New skills-based portal focuses on premier intelligent documents platform.

Adobe LiveCycle

A key com­po­nent of Adobe’s Intelligent Document plat­form as well as Adobe’s vision of the paper­less future, Adobe LiveCycle is the suite of tech­nolo­gies and desk­top and serv­er appli­ca­tions that dri­ve PDF form-based data col­lec­tion process­es. Adobe LiveCycle is a fam­i­ly of prod­ucts includ­ing LiveCycle Designer, the forms cre­ation appli­ca­tion bun­dled with Acrobat 7 Professional, and the Adobe LiveCycle Policy Server, a robust J2EE sys­tem that, with the Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions, enables dis­tri­b­u­tion of secured and dynam­ic PDF and XML eforms that can be filled out, inter­act­ed with, and dig­i­tal­ly signed by any user with Acrobat or the free Adobe Reader.

Made pos­si­ble large­ly by the inte­gra­tion of tech­nolo­gies result­ing from the 2002 acqui­si­tion of Ottawa-based Accelio cor­po­ra­tion and the 2004 acqui­si­tion of Q‑Link Technologies, mak­er of Java-based busi­ness process man­age­ment soft­ware, the platform-neutral Adobe LiveCycle is suite is poised to pow­er all the dig­i­tal doc­u­ment and data col­lec­tion aspi­ra­tions of the world’s gov­ern­ments, enter­pris­es, and, even­tu­al­ly, small businesses.

In order to reach its poten­tial, how­ev­er, Adobe LiveCycle must be made acces­si­ble to devel­op­ers and IT man­agers, with plen­ty of doc­u­men­ta­tion, case stud­ies, and spec­i­fi­ca­tions to enable cus­tomized task­ing of the technologies.

Enter “Adobe LiveCycle Developer Source”.

Launched today by JupiterWeb, the online media divi­sion of Jupitermedia Corporation (Nasdaq: JUPM), the “Adobe LiveCycle Developer Source” assist appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment pro­fes­sion­als in cre­at­ing appli­ca­tions for Adobe LiveCycle. The skills-based por­tal extends Adobe’s devel­op­er out­reach pro­gram and pro­vides down­load­able tools, SDK’s, tri­al soft­ware and edi­to­r­i­al content.

With the Adobe LiveCycle Developer Source, enter­prise devel­op­ers now have even more resources at their fin­ger­tips,” said Ben Watson, Group Manager of Adobe Enterprise Developer Relations. “Extending our reach to this qual­i­fied audi­ence is imper­a­tive, as these are the devel­op­ers lead­ing the migra­tion toward inte­grat­ing Intelligent Documents with enter­prise appli­ca­tions and busi­ness process. The des­ti­na­tion on [JupiterWeb’s] DevX​.com is a tremen­dous resource for them to learn more about using our prod­ucts’ full capabilities.” 

DevX​.com attracts the best and bright­est in the pro­fes­sion­al soft­ware devel­op­ment com­mu­ni­ty. Now those devel­op­ers will have access to the kind of infor­ma­tion they need to help them move ahead of the curve with the Adobe Intelligent Document Platform,” stat­ed Chris Elwell, SVP and General Manager of JupiterWeb.

For more infor­ma­tion about the Adobe LiveCycle and its desk­top and J2EE enter­prise servers and design com­po­nents, vis­it the Adobe Intelligent Document Platform prod­ucts site. The “Adobe LiveCycle Developer Source” is locat­ed at http://​www​.devx​.com/Adobe.

Additional resource cen­ters help­ful to intel­li­gent doc­u­ment devel­op­ers and designers: