Layer Groups 1.0 Plug–in for Adobe InDesign Released


Prague, EU – April 5, 2006 – DTP Tools are pleased to announce the release of the new Layer Groups 1.0 plug–in for Adobe InDesign CS and CS2. Layer Groups plug-in cre­ates a new way to uti­lize and orga­nize lay­ers in the document.

Key features

Layer Groups name well describes the plug-ins main fea­ture – the pos­si­bil­i­ty to sort lay­ers into fold­ers. Now users can uti­lize the lay­ers in InDesign freely with­out the risk of get­ting lost in them.

The sec­ond fea­ture enables user to set the non-printing to an entire lay­er – a fea­ture users are used to hav­ing in oth­er appli­ca­tions. Non-printing was pre­vi­ous­ly an option only avail­able on object lev­el basis. Users can now with a sin­gle click include an eas­i­ly man­age­able lay­er for com­ments or alter­nate layout/design objects with­out the risk of hav­ing them print.

Pricing and availability

14 days try–out ver­sion of Layer Groups is avail­able for down­load. at the same URL you can also pur­chase the license. Product is deliv­ered in elec­tron­ic form only. 

Mac ver­sion direct down­load link: 1763 KB
Windows ver­sion direct down­load link: 1185 KB

Single license price is $29.

About DTP Tools

DTP Tools is a brand of soft­ware for design­ers and pub­lish­ers cre­at­ed by the Goldwein Research Ltd.

DTP Tools include InDesign, InCopy, QuarkXPress and FrameMaker solu­tions such as pop­u­lar History plug-in for Adobe InDesign and Text Count plug-in for Adobe InDesign, FrameMaker and QuarkXPress.