LinkOptimizer 2.0 for Adobe InDesign Release


Toronto (ON), Canada–SEPTEMBER 27, 2006–Zevrix Solutions today announced the release of ver­sion 2.0 of LinkOptimizer, the solu­tion for reduc­ing the size of images linked to Adobe InDesign doc­u­ment automatically.

LinkOptimizer allows users to save valu­able stor­age space, time and reduce pro­duc­tion costs by elim­i­nat­ing exces­sive image data. The pro­gram auto­mat­i­cal­ly reduces the size of linked images with an effec­tive res­o­lu­tion high­er than the user-defined tar­get res­o­lu­tion, as well as images that were cropped in InDesign. LinkOptimizer opens the images in Photoshop, auto­mat­i­cal­ly reduces their res­o­lu­tion, and scales and crops them, repli­cat­ing their dimen­sions in the InDesign doc­u­ment. LinkOptimizer then reim­ports the images into the doc­u­ment at 100% in pre­cise position.

Version 2.0 intro­duces sev­er­al major new fea­tures such as the option to opti­mize image copies instead of the orig­i­nals them­selves, abil­i­ty to con­vert image col­ors and apply sharp­en­ing, and the pro­cess­ing of images in non-rectangular con­tain­ers. The improved links table is now ful­ly sortable, allows users to select mul­ti­ple links and dis­plays the image format.

LinkOptimizer will save, depend­ing on a project, hours and even days of pro­duc­tion time for pub­lish­ing hous­es, design firms, print­ers, and ser­vice bureaus of any size. That’s the time it could take to process the links man­u­al­ly! LinkOptimizer will also help users increase doc­u­ment out­put speed, save the time of trans­fer­ring jobs to out­side sources, reduce job cost through faster pro­cess­ing by ser­vice providers, and speed up the over­all job turnaround.

LinkOptimizer also pro­vides detailed feed­back on every stage of pro­cess­ing, allows to spec­i­fy image safe­ty bleed and shows the amount of space saved by the optimizing.

Pricing and Availability

LinkOptimizer 2.0 is priced at US$79.95 and can be pur­chased from the Zevrix Solutions web site, http://​www​.zevrix​.com. Demo is also avail­able for download.
LinkOptimizer 2.0 is avail­able for Mac OS X 10.4.2 and high­er, and works with Adobe InDesign CS/CS2 and Adobe Photoshop CS/CS2.
LinkOptimizer is a Universal Binary.

About Zevrix Solutions

Zevrix Solutions is ded­i­cat­ed to devel­op­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty solu­tions for desk­top pub­lish­ing and data­base relat­ed prod­ucts on Mac OS.
Zevrix Solutions is locat­ed in Toronto (ON), Canada.