Managing Editor Inc. Releases AdForce 5


Jenkintown, PA – Managing Editor Inc. (MEI), an Adobe Systems port­fo­lio com­pa­ny and a lead­ing provider of soft­ware solu­tions for the pub­lish­ing indus­try, today announced the release of AdForce 5, the lat­est ver­sion of MEI’s easy-to-use ad lay­out pro­gram for small to mid-size publications.

AdForce, an issue-planning sys­tem with pow­er­ful com­pre­hen­sive run­sheet capa­bil­i­ties and time-saving lay­out tools, boasts many of the fea­tures of MEI’s Page Director® Ad Layout System, the indus­try stan­dard for elec­tron­ic page dum­my­ing and issue management.

“AdForce is the per­fect solu­tion for small­er pub­lish­ers who want effi­cient and con­ve­nient ad layout,” said Steven Haught, vice pres­i­dent of sales for MEI. “The new fea­tures in ver­sion 5 make it even eas­i­er to han­dle elec­tron­ic issue plan­ning with­out break­ing the bank.”

New in AdForce 5
Compatibility with OS X and Intel tech­nolo­gies. AdForce 5 ful­ly sup­ports the lat­est Mac OS and can run on Intel® Macintosh systems.

Integrated search func­tion. AdForce 5 ful­ly inte­grates Apple’s Spotlight search tech­nol­o­gy into its inter­face, allow­ing users to run queries on the spot and get search results in a sin­gle win­dow. Found items can then be dragged and dropped direct­ly into AdForce issues, reduc­ing steps and improv­ing productivity.

Multi-level Undo/Redo. The newest ver­sion of AdForce also fea­tures unlim­it­ed undo/redo, giv­ing users the free­dom to back­track through changes to the issue, pages or ads. This not only helps con­trol mis­takes, it allows users to exper­i­ment with unlim­it­ed “what-if” lay­out scenarios.

Workspaces Palette. The new Workspaces palette saves arrange­ments of open AdForce doc­u­ment win­dows and palettes, let­ting users eas­i­ly store and load var­i­ous screen setups to facil­i­tate dif­fer­ent tasks with­in AdForce. For exam­ple, one win­dow arrange­ment can be loaded dur­ing ad lay­out; then, with a few clicks, the user might load anoth­er Workspace tai­lored for ad management.

AdForce 5 is avail­able now for upgrades and new instal­la­tions. The upgrade from ver­sion 4.2 is free for cus­tomers par­tic­i­pat­ing in MEI’s Premium Site Support pro­gram. Other cus­tomers inter­est­ed in upgrades or new cus­tomers look­ing to buy should con­tact an MEI sales rep­re­sen­ta­tive at 215–886-5662, or an autho­rized dis­trib­u­tor. Additional infor­ma­tion can be found on MEI’s Web site at http://​www​.maned​.com.

About MEI
Managing Editor Inc. is an indus­try leader in the devel­op­ment of qual­i­ty, proven soft­ware solu­tions for the evolv­ing pub­lish­ing indus­try. The Page Director Series of Advertising and Classified Layout Systems, K4 Publishing System, Integrated Production Suite (IPS), Wave2 and IPS AdTrac deliv­er auto­mat­ed pag­i­na­tion and work­flow solu­tions to news­pa­per, mag­a­zine and book pub­lish­ers, as well as oth­er print and elec­tron­ic pub­lish­ing mar­kets. Founded in 1990, the com­pa­ny was named a lau­re­ate of both the 1999 and 2000 Computerworld Smithsonian Collections. Managing Editor is a port­fo­lio com­pa­ny of Adobe Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: ADBE). Additional infor­ma­tion regard­ing MEI’s prod­ucts and ser­vices can be found on the company’s Web site at http://​www​.maned​.com.