Meet Quark VS

If you plan to attend the InDesign Conference or Creative Suite Conference next week, or will just be in the Chicago area, stop by and say hel­lo to one of the Quark VS InDesign​.com team.

Meet Pariah S. Burke
Meet Pariah S. Burke

Quark VS InDesign​.com Publisher, Pariah S. Burke, will be teach­ing two ses­sions of the InDesign Conference on Tuesday, appear­ing on pan­els through­out the week, and work­ing the Q&A Table with Anne-Marie Concepcion Friday afternoon.

Stop by and ask Pariah your InDesign, QuarkXPress, InCopy, Illustrator, Acrobat, or Photoshop ques­tions, or tell him about your wack­i­est design experiences.

Bring your copy of Pariah S. Burke’s Adobe Illustrator CS2 @WORK for a signature.

Location and sched­ul­ing for the InDesign (May 15–18) and Creative Suite (May 18–20) Conferences may be found here.