If you plan to attend the InDesign Conference or Creative Suite Conference next week, or will just be in the Chicago area, stop by and say hello to one of the Quark VS InDesign.com team.
Quark VS InDesign.com Publisher, Pariah S. Burke, will be teaching two sessions of the InDesign Conference on Tuesday, appearing on panels throughout the week, and working the Q&A Table with Anne-Marie Concepcion Friday afternoon.
Stop by and ask Pariah your InDesign, QuarkXPress, InCopy, Illustrator, Acrobat, or Photoshop questions, or tell him about your wackiest design experiences.
Bring your copy of Pariah S. Burke’s Adobe Illustrator CS2 @WORK for a signature.
Location and scheduling for the InDesign (May 15–18) and Creative Suite (May 18–20) Conferences may be found here.