Multiple Undos In Photoshop

CMD+Z (CTRL+Z on Windows) has ever been the uni­ver­sal key­board short­cut that undoes the last action. In QuarkXPress, InDesign, Illustrator, Microsoft Word, and most oth­er appli­ca­tions, press­ing CMD+Z (CTRL+Z) a sec­ond time undoes the action pri­or to the last. Pressing a third time goes three steps back and so on. Not so in Photoshop.

In Photoshop, CMD+Z (CTRL+Z) undoes an action. CMD+Z (CTRL+Z) a sec­ond time re-does the action–it’s a tog­gle. If your last action was to invert the col­ors of a lay­er (CMD+I [CTRL+I]), press­ing CMD+Z (CTRL+Z) in rapid suc­ces­sion will result in noth­ing more than a psy­che­del­ic strobe effect guar­an­teed to induce siezure.

To step back through pre­vi­ous actions with­out mou­s­ing to the History palette, Photoshop thumbs its nose at con­ven­tion and choos­es its own way of mul­ti­ple undos. Undo the last action with CMD+Z (CTRL+Z), but undo pre­vi­ous actions with CMD+OPT+Z (CTRL+ALT+Z). Keep press­ing to walk back­ward through time–Photoshop-style.