Interview on Inside Digital Design Radio

Recently I appeared on the won­der­ful radio pro­gram and pod­cast Inside Digital Design Radio, host­ed by Scott Sheppard and Gene Gable. Gene shared a hilar­i­ous anec­dote about the Secret Service con­fis­cat­ing his design work and filled us in on a lit­tle known con­cept called “prop­er­ty trade­marks” where­in even pho­tographs of a build­ing or tree could infringe on some­one else’s intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty. Gene asked me about some of my new­er projects like Workflow:Freelance, Gurus Unleashed, and the InDesign plug-in I cre­at­ed, PageControl, as well my long-time pub­li­ca­tions QuarkVSInDesign​.com and Designorati​.com. We also talked about QuarkXPress ver­sus InDesign and Twitter and oth­er social media for cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als, two sub­jects in which I have a great deal of experience.

Air date: 18 April 2009