New Feature; Reader Feedback Requested

All the news for those who print.

Attention all you RSS & ATOM sub­scribers as well as those read­ing on the website.

All The News For Those Who Print

In case you haven’t noticed, last week we qui­et­ly added a new sec­tion to the site. In the Pages Palette (upper left) is “Related News.” This is us try­ing to make your job easier.

We know four things that you, our 30,000 reg­u­lar read­ers, need us to know:

  1. We know Quark and InDesign.
  2. We know that, even though Quark VS InDesign​.com is the world’s lead­ing author­i­ty for news and opin­ion on the war between the desk­top pub­lish­ing giants, it isn’t the only news source cov­er­ing Desktop Publishing War II.
  3. We know graph­ics, press, and pre-press pro­fes­sion­als are extreme­ly busy people–the Quark VS InDesign​.com staff are your people–graphics and pre-press pros.
  4. By virtue of how busy you are, we know you don’t have time to read every­thing you want–or even need–to read.
The new “Related News” sec­tion of the Pages Palette.

So, those four bits of knowl­edge in hand, we’re try­ing to make the task of keep­ing your­self informed eas­i­er. In the new Related News sec­tion we present what­ev­er we can find in the way of news, opin­ion, and spec­u­la­tion in the areas of QuarkXPress, InDesign, InCopy, Adobe, Quark (the com­pa­ny), Acrobat and PDF, and fonts and typography–the tech­nolo­gies and top­ics that affect your work–all in one con­ve­nient digest of the lat­est head­lines. Related News makes keep­ing your­self informed about devel­op­ments in this war and indus­try eas­i­er for you by putting every­thing we can think of in one place.

We have a start, but in case we missed some excel­lent source or top­ics that you need to know about, we’re ask­ing for your help.

Here’s where you come in. We’re putting all the rel­e­vant news top­ics and sources we can think of in one con­ve­nient place for you, but they might not be every rel­e­vant news top­ic and source you can think of.

Are we miss­ing some­thing? Help us make your job eas­i­er by telling us what we missed. Talk to us via the Contact Page or sim­ply leave a com­ment right here.

If we missed a top­ic you real­ly care about, tell us the top­ic (e.g. do you need news relat­ed to JDF, DTPt, or Photoshop?). If we need to, we’ll cre­ate addi­tion­al top­ic pages for the Related News sec­tion (instead of putting every­thing in one) to put all the news, opin­ion, and spec­u­la­tion at your fin­ger­tips with­out inhibit­ing your abil­i­ty to quick­ly find spe­cif­ic news.

If we’ve missed a great source for news, give us the URL and a brief descrip­tion of why we need to include that source (“they’re freakin’ awe­some!” is a viable descrip­tion). For now the only require­ment is that the source must present its news in RSS/XML feeds. The feed need­n’t be restrict­ed to just the top­ics we not­ed above; our sys­tems will take care of fil­ter­ing out the irrel­e­vant stuff and dis­till­ing it down to just the news our read­ers need to know.

(HINT: If you run or work for such a news site, this is an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty to get your arti­cles or blog in front of 30,000 high­ly focussed pro­fes­sion­als who may have nev­er heard of your site.)

Quark VS InDesign​.com is a site built by cre­ative pros, for cre­ative pros. Tell us what you need to know, and we’ll do our darnedest to help you get to it faster and easier.