New Xtension Finally Brings AutoCorrect & Dynamic Spellcheck to QuarkXPress 8

Today XChange UK and ThePowerXChange​.com released an xten­sion that fills a long stand­ing need in QuarkXPress-dynamic spellcheck­ing and auto­cor­rect. AutoCorrectXT 2.0 is one of those prod­ucts whose func­tion is so sim­ple yet so uni­ver­sal that it makes you won­der why it took this long to get it. And, at £34.00 / US $50.00, it’s afford­able enough to fill that need for every QuarkXPress user.

AutoCorrectXT 2.0 includes two key fea­tures for QuarkXPress 8 doc­u­ments: AutoCorrect and AutoSpell. Users who fre­quent­ly have to use their spell check­er to know where and what they’ve mis­spelled as well as users who reg­u­lar­ly enter com­plex, dif­fi­cult to type spe­cial terms will find AutoCorrectXT indispensable.


The AutoCorrect options dialog showing replace this with that pairings.

The AutoCorrect options dia­log show­ing replace this with that pairings.

AutoCorrect allows you to enter fre­quent­ly used terms like peo­ple’s names, loca­tions, gov­ern­ment offices, titles, etc. into the AutoCorrect data­base with a user-defined easy to remem­ber short­cut. Then, as you write with­in the doc­u­ment, every time you type the short­cut, AutoCorrect will auto­mat­i­cal­ly replace it with the full name, loca­tion, gov­ern­ment office, title, or what­not on the fly, as you type. I’ve long tout­ed the ben­e­fit of AutoCorrect fea­tures in Microsoft Word and Adobe InDesign to those who fre­quent­ly type in long prod­uct names, phras­es, or gov­ern­ment or mil­i­tary agency, team, and process terms.

AutoCorrect can also be used to auto­mat­i­cal­ly fix your own reg­u­lar typ­ing mis­takes by enter­ing com­mon trans­po­si­tions and mis­spellings into the AutoCorrect data­base. For exam­ple, when I’m writ­ing copy direct­ly in a text box with­in XPress, my fin­gers can mis­fire and I often type “QuarkxPress” or “QuarkXPres.” I often do that when I’m writ­ing about QuarkXPress with­in Microsoft Word as well (I can’t count the num­ber of times I mistyped “QuarkXPress” while writ­ing my chap­ters in Real World QuarkXPress 7), but in Word I’ve con­fig­ured the AutoCorrect func­tion to replace those per­son­al com­mon typos with the cor­rect “QuarkXPress.” With AutoCorrectXT those mis­takes can final­ly be auto­mat­i­cal­ly fixed in QuarkXPress as well!

Dynamic Spellchecking

AutoSpell identifying a misspelled word and offering suggestions.

AutoSpell iden­ti­fy­ing a mis­spelled word and offer­ing suggestions.

If on-the-fly typo and term replace­ment were all AutoCorrectXT did it would be worth the price, but it also includes Word-like dynam­ic spellchecking-in 9 languages.

Instead of hav­ing to wait to spellcheck your text box until you’re done writ­ing, the AutoSpell mod­ule of AutoCorrectXT will under­line mis­spelled with red squig­gly lines live, as you type. When a word is marked as mis­spelled, just hov­er the cur­sor over the under­lined word to pop­up a con­text menu with sug­gest­ed cor­rec­tions. Choose a word from the list of sug­ges­tions, and it will instant­ly replace the mis­spelling. If AutoSpell errs, flag­ging a word as mis­spelled when it isn’t, which is com­mon with prop­er nouns such as peo­ple’s sur­names or prod­uct or com­pa­ny brand names, you can tell AutoSpell to ignore it and all sub­se­quent instances of the word. Thereafter, AutoSpell will rec­og­nize the word as spelled cor­rect­ly and won’t under­line it.

The AutoSpell mod­ule includes dic­tio­nar­ies for, and dynam­ic spellcheck­ing, in 9 com­mon lan­guages: English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and Norwegian.


AutoCorrectXT is avail­able now through XChange UK or ThePowerXChange​.com via elec­tron­ic deliv­ery world­wide. To order, or for more infor­ma­tion, European users can vis­it XChangeUK. U.S. cus­tomers please vis­it The Power XChange.