On the Fly Layer Thumbnail Resizing

Photoshop pros dif­fer in their choice of thumb­nail size on the Layers, Paths, and Channels palettes. Some usu­al­ly run with small thumb­nails, some with none, oth­ers with medi­um or large. Once in a while, you need to alter that size. Maybe an image with lots of lay­ers would be eas­i­er to work on if the thumb­nails were hid­den, allow­ing more lay­ers to fit with­in the same palette space. On the oth­er hand, it’s often help­ful to get a bet­ter look at thumb­nails on the Channels palette while focus­ing on one color.

While you can always select Palette Options from the Layers, Paths, or Channels palettes fly­out menu, then set the thumb­nail size there, there’s an eas­i­er method: Right-click on the emp­ty area of the palette beneath the last lay­er, chan­nel, or path (single-button Mac users CTRL-click). Up will pop choice of thumb­nail size.