Pantone Introduces Peel-And-Place Chips

Pantone’s new adhe­sive chip sheets make those broken-teeth per­fo­rat­ed chip sheets obsolete.


The chip sheets we’ve all seen stashed on the shelves of ad agency and design shops are about to change. In the past they’ve been sim­ply per­fo­rat­ed and torn apart as need­ed, leav­ing a mess of chips lying around if they’re not taped to the clien­t’s job jack­et or oth­er mate­ri­als. I nev­er used them much, and I’m glad I did­n’t have to—I’m an orga­nized guy, and don’t like a mess. Pantone has lis­tened to cus­tomers and released PANTONE SOLID CHIPS peel and place coat­ed chips, which are already adhesive-backed and can be peeled up mul­ti­ple times for ease of use. Along with the sheets, Pantone has released new PANTONE palette cards that the chips can be stuck upon when shown to clients or filed away in the job jacket.

Removal and Sticking is Easy

The PANTONE SOLID CHIPS peel and place coat­ed chips.

You won’t need glue or tape for these new chips—just peel and place. You can do this mul­ti­ple times if you like, but you do get six chips per col­or so it’s not nec­es­sary. The cool thing about mul­ti­ple peel-and-place is that you can peel a few chips, see how they work togeth­er, maybe stick a cou­ple back on the back­ing sheets, then put the col­or selec­tions on a palette card to show the client dur­ing a pre­sen­ta­tion. Each palette card holds five chips and has areas for the project infor­ma­tion and date. The chip sheets are coat­ed and easy to work with—each chip has a smooth edge so the rest of the page is intact and stays clean and neat. The chip sheet pack­age also comes with a plas­tic sheet lifter you can stick chips onto for exper­i­ment­ing with col­or schemes. The con­cept of chips has not changed, but Pantone sim­ply thought of a new solu­tion to an old problem.


PANTONE SOLID CHIPS peel and place coat­ed chips are avail­able right now for $179; you can see them on the Pantone web­site here. The pack­age con­tains 30 palette cards as well as the plas­tic sheet and the PANTONE palette cards. Note that the only the coat­ed chips are avail­able as peel-and-place right now; you still have to deal with the snag­gle­toothed chip sheets if you want mat­te or the three-book set. According to the web­site, PANTONE SOLID CHIPS peel and place coat­ed chips start­ed ship­ping Monday, April 16.

My Opinion

It’s fun to watch a com­pa­ny take an estab­lished prod­uct and fresh­en it up with just a slight tweak to the fun­da­men­tals of it. Chip sheets have been around for­ev­er and they’ve always been per­fo­rat­ed, at least for Pantone. Now they are adhesive-backed and made eas­i­er to use, and I expect the entire line of Pantone chips to go this way. It’s the same thing that hap­pened to postage stamps: they used to require a lick to get them to stick, and that was just the way it had always been. They start­ed show­ing up with adhe­sive back­ing maybe ten years ago, and now you can’t even find the old lick-and-stick stamps. I am sure Pantone per­fo­rat­ed chips will fol­low that same path—and the price for peel-and-place chips is only $9 more than the per­fo­rat­ed chips, so mon­ey is not real­ly an issue. I expect these peel-and-place chips to become the sta­tus quo in agen­cies and design firms across the country.