Parentheses! In the Font Size Field?

Have you ever seen two val­ues in the Font Size field–one embraced by paren­the­ses? It could read some­thing like “50 pt(24.85)”. If you haven’t yet noticed such an unex­pect­ed thing, you haven’t done much with grouped objects.

When you group a text frame or type on a path with oth­er objects, and then resize the entire group, InDesign scales the type to remain pro­por­tion­ate to oth­er objects in the group. That’s expect­ed. What most don’t expect, though, is that InDesign scales rather than resizes the type. Moreover, it remem­bers the tex­t’s orig­i­nal point size.

In the exam­ple “50 pt(24.85)”, the orig­i­nal text size, as set before group­ing and scal­ing, is 50 points. Once the text frame was grouped with oth­er objects and scaled down lit­tle more than 50%, the actu­al dis­play size of the text became 24.85 pts. By includ­ing both val­ues in the Font Size field on the Character and Control palettes, InDesign is let­ting you know the dis­play size, but also the fact that it isn’t what you orig­i­nal­ly intended.

Tomorrow’s Tip O’ the Day: How to get rid of the parentheses.