PDF Backdoors Discovered, Published; Acrobat, Reader Users At Risk for Malicious Payloads

In an arti­cle pub­lished Friday, eWEEK con­firmed the first such exploit pub­li­cized by pen­e­tra­tion test­ing expert, David Kierznowski. The test, run on Adobe Reader with all avail­able patch­es applied, involved a PDF that, when opened in Adobe Reader or Acrobat, auto­mat­i­cal­ly launched the user’s brows­er and direct­ed it to a URL embed­ded in the PDF. Kierznowski called the action a proof of con­cept that any string of mali­cious code could be exe­cut­ed by the PDF–not just open­ing a brows­er and URL with­out user con­sent (see the link to Kierznowski’s first proof-of-concept PDF in the side­bar, “Sites and Resources Discussed in this Article”).

Because both Adobe Reader PDF-reading and Acrobat cre­ation soft­ware from Adobe include host com­put­er file sys­tem access and the Adobe Database Connectivity (ADBC) that allows direct access to Window’s com­put­er’s Object Data Connectivity (ODBC), PDF users are at sig­nif­i­cant­ly more risk for data theft. ODBC is a gate­way through which appli­ca­tions can exchange data with data­bas­es rang­ing from Microsoft’s Access, Excel, FoxPro, MS-SQL, and even Outlook and Exchange e‑mail sys­tems, as well as third-party ODBC-enabled data­bas­es such as Lotus Notes, Lotus Domino, and FileMaker Pro, among oth­ers. A PDF car­ry­ing a mal­ware pay­load can use the ADBC con­nec­tion to the host com­put­er’s ODBC to tun­nel out into any oth­er ODBC-connected data­base, poten­tial­ly access­ing every piece of con­fi­den­tial data on the tar­get­ed system.

Sites and Resources Discussed in this Article:

Kierznowski’s orig­i­nal Operation n blog entry, “Backdooring PDF Files”.

eWEEK arti­cle, “Hacker Discovers Adobe PDF Back Doors.”.

Kierznowski’s first proof-of-concept PDF.

Kierznowski’s sec­ond proof-of-concept PDF.

Kierznowski even demon­strat­ed the ADBC exploit in a pre­pared PDF, stop­ping short of actu­al­ly step­ping out of ODBC into anoth­er data source (see the link to Kierznowski’s sec­ond proof-of-concept PDF in the side­bar, “Sites and Resources Discussed in this Article”).

Most chill­ing of all was Kierznowski’s asser­tion that one “can back-door all Adobe Acrobat files by load­ing a back-doored JavaScript file into [the local] \Acrobat\Javascripts directory.” 

Beyond these, Kierznowski claims to have found sev­en more points for launch­ing mali­cious code from with­ing oth­er­wise legit­i­mate PDF files, and hint­ed that Acrobat’s JavaScript mod­el may allow even more.

In a com­ment on his own blog post, Kierznowski said of the poten­tial to exploit PDFs: “I still think we are only scratch­ing the surface.”

eWEEK reports that a spokesper­son from Adobe’s prod­uct secu­ri­ty inci­dent response team is “active­ly inves­ti­gat­ing” Kierznowski’s dis­cov­er­ies. The unnamed Adobe spokesper­son also stat­ed: “If Adobe con­firms that a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty might affect one of our prod­ucts, details of the secu­ri­ty vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and an appro­pri­ate solu­tion [will be] doc­u­ment­ed and published.”

The dis­cov­ery has sparked a furor of inter­est in just a a few days.

On his Operation n blog entry, Kierznowski pro­vides proof-of-concept JavaScript code nec­es­sary to prove his theories–and actu­al­ize attacks. The entry did not go unno­ticed. As of this writ­ing, twen­ty com­ments and track­backs from oth­er sites have been append­ed to the orig­i­nal entry since its pub­li­ca­tion 13 September 2006, with unknown num­bers of peo­ple read­ing but not com­ment­ing on the Operation n blog entry, entries on track­backed English and German Websites, and eWEEK. At least one splog, or “spam blog,” Websites whose con­tent is com­prised pri­mar­i­ly of unau­tho­rized reprints of entries and arti­cles orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished on legit­i­mate blogs and Websites, has already pil­ferred and repub­lished Kierznowski’s entire article.