Quark a no-show at HOW?

I’m writ­ing this from the 2003 HOW Design Conference in New Orleans and I see Adobe. There’s Apple. Pantone’s around. A dozen paper ven­dors are here. Over there’s Hewlett-Packard. MyFonts​.com is here as well. Funny, I don’t see Quark.

As a mat­ter of fact, Quark isn’t here. One of the biggest events of the year for the cre­ative professional–Quark’s core market–and Quark has cho­sen not to attend. I’ll let the read­er draw his or her own conclusion.

Adobe’s here with not only a booth but a design patio, where one can play with Adobe soft­ware, includ­ing Quark’s rival, InDesign. There are also free hands-on class­es in the use of Adobe prod­ucts. I’m writ­ing this before the incep­tion of the first Adobe class, but they look like they’ll be excel­lent. The first one is “Photoshop 7.0: Understanding Masking”, fol­lowed by “Photoshop 7.0: Uncover the Depths of Layers.” After that is “InDesign 2.0: InDesign for Quark Users,” fol­lowed by oth­er InDesign, Illustrator, and Acrobat 6 training.

I’ll keep you updated!