Quark keys in on Certified PDF workflows in alliance with Enfocus

Press Release

DENVER–(QUARKvsINDESIGN.com)–June 21, 2005–Quark Inc. today announced a strate­gic alliance with Enfocus Software, provider of industry-leading PDF pre­flight and auto­mat­ic cor­rec­tion tools for out­put pro­fes­sion­als. Continuing Quark’s com­mit­ment to bring the mar­ket solu­tions that reduce cost by opti­miz­ing work­flows, Quark is work­ing with Enfocus to improve the over­all PDF expe­ri­ence with­in QuarkXPress and pro­vide bun­dled solu­tions that stream­line Certified PDF-based work­flows. In 2005, Quark joined the Ghent PDF work­group, of which Enfocus is a found­ing mem­ber, as the first step in an effort to improve PDF workflows.

“True Certified PDF con­sis­ten­cy is one of the next major hur­dles fac­ing the pub­lish­ing industry,” said Jürgen Kurz, senior vice pres­i­dent of soft­ware devel­op­ment. “Quark will con­tin­ue to work with com­pa­nies that will help win this bat­tle for the pub­lish­ing pro­fes­sion­al. Enfocus tech­nolo­gies are a per­fect com­ple­ment to QuarkXPress — we know our mil­lions of cus­tomers will be pleased.”

”This agree­ment is a win-win sit­u­a­tion for all parties,” said Patrick Van Dam, exec­u­tive vice pres­i­dent of sales and mar­ket­ing at Enfocus Software. “For Enfocus, it is an excel­lent way to jump-start the adop­tion of Certified PDF by the design­er com­mu­ni­ty. Enfocus’ Certified PDF tech­nol­o­gy has achieved wide­spread indus­try accep­tance at the doc­u­ment receiv­er end, where pub­lish­ers and print­ers rec­og­nize the time-savings and qual­i­ty they enjoy when uti­liz­ing Enfocus Certified PDF files. 

“The Quark and Enfocus strate­gic alliance will ben­e­fit design­ers, giv­ing them a very sim­ple and con­ve­nient solu­tion for cre­at­ing flaw­less, error-free Certified PDF files that out­put properly.”

The first phase of this new part­ner­ship will bring excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties to Quark’s grow­ing num­ber of QuarkAlliance part­ners. All QuarkAlliance part­ners will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to receive spe­cial part­ner pric­ing for Enfocus’ Instant PDF to imme­di­ate­ly start opti­miz­ing their PDF-based workflows. 

“We want to give our part­ners the tools they need to ser­vice our mutu­al cus­tomers more effec­tive­ly. PDF issues cost our part­ners and cus­tomers a lot of time and mon­ey. Together with Enfocus we can empow­er our part­ners to leap over many of these expen­sive hurdles,” said Cyndie Shaffstall, man­ag­er of QuarkAlliance programs.

For more infor­ma­tion about join­ing QuarkAlliance to take advan­tage of the Enfocus part­ner­ship, send an e‑mail mes­sage to Quark at partners@​quark.​com.

About Enfocus

Enfocus (www​.enfo​cus​.com)solu­tions give design­ers, print­ers and pub­lish­ers the tools to cre­ate and exchange PDFs with total con­fi­dence. Enfocus Software is inter­na­tion­al­ly rec­og­nized as a pio­neer in PDF tech­nol­o­gy. Its ten-year focus on PDF solu­tions for graph­ic arts has result­ed in uni­ver­sal­ly acclaimed prod­uct inno­va­tions. Enfocus prod­ucts have become the PDF tools of choice used by graph­ic design­ers and print pro­duc­tion pro­fes­sion­als through­out the world. Certified PDF® is a core Enfocus tech­nol­o­gy that facil­i­tates the rapid and accu­rate exchange of files with­in any PDF work­flow. Enfocus prod­ucts have Certified PDF tech­nol­o­gy built in, and deliv­er the fea­tures and capa­bil­i­ties that PDF pro­fes­sion­als demand. Starting with Instant PDF, users cre­ate flaw­less PDF doc­u­ments with standard-based PDF Profiles and ini­ti­ate a Certified PDF work­flow. Enfocus is a whol­ly owned sub­sidiary of Artwork Systems Group.

About Quark

Quark Inc. (www​.quark​.com) is a lead­ing devel­op­er of tools and tech­nolo­gies for desk­top, work­group, and enter­prise pub­lish­ing. Quark has been pro­vid­ing award-winning soft­ware for pro­fes­sion­al pub­lish­ers since its flag­ship prod­uct, QuarkXPress, changed the course of tra­di­tion­al pub­lish­ing. Today, as QuarkXPress is used by more than three mil­lion cus­tomers around the world, Quark is devel­op­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of tools to let pub­lish­ers cre­ate and man­age con­tent flex­i­bly so it can be deliv­ered any­where at low cost. Founded in 1981, Denver-based Quark Inc. is pri­vate­ly held.