Quark Webcast: Make your digital assets more profitable!

Free Web cast to discuss Quark content management solutions.

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On Thursday, 18 August 2005, at 11am ET/8 am PT, Quark prod­uct mar­ket­ing man­ag­er Scott Allan will host a free Web cast intro­duc­tion of Quark’s con­tent man­age­ment solutions.

According to the Web cast description:

Leverage your dig­i­tal con­tent and max­i­mize impact of your cre­ative com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Whether it’s a print adver­tise­ment, prod­uct pre­sen­ta­tion, or Web page, you can use and reuse design ele­ments, copy, pho­tog­ra­phy, and more — with dra­mat­ic effects on your prof­itabil­i­ty and productivity.

The event will cov­er man­ag­ing dig­i­tal assets, imple­ment­ing online reviews and approvals, and inte­grat­ing Quark CMS solu­tions into marketing-related processes.

Enrollment is free from this loca­tion.