QuarkXPress 6.5: A Show of Good Faith?

Echoing many of my pre­vi­ous­ly pub­lished opin­ions, Samuel John Kleinobserves:

I think Quark is on the way to becom­ing the minor­i­ty plat­form. That they are so pub­licly fight­ing a bat­tle to prove thi­er vital­i­ty (QuarkVista, the reports that have been filed here) means that maybe they know that to have some posi­tion in the mar­ket, they?ve got to do this.

When Quark has to play catchup to InDesign, that’s a sure sign the rules have changed, I think. 

Agreed. The rules have absolute­ly changed.

The King of the Hill is no longer on top; he’s slid­ing down the mound on his rear while a new King waves good-bye from the pinnacle.

Kamar Aulakh has tak­en charge and point­ed Quark in a very dif­fer­ent direc­tion from that long trav­elled by Fred Ebrahimi. Pretty much since day one, Aulakh has rec­og­nized that Quark is no longer the dom­i­nant lay­out appli­ca­tion in many of it’s for­mer key mar­kets. Rather than con­tin­u­ing to ignore the threat of InDesign, Aulakh set to work first try­ing to rebuild rela­tions with those mar­kets Quark still retains–for exam­ple, news­pa­per. Now, as indi­cat­ed by the rumors of XPress 6.5 and espe­cial­ly 7, with its sup­posed “InDesign-like look and feel”, and by all the effort put into those prod­ucts, the focus is on reclaim­ing some of the mar­ket lost to InDesign.

Whether Quark regains the sta­tus of seri­ous InDesign com­peti­tor or sim­ply becomes to InDesign what PageMaker was to XPress–an aging but occas­sion­al­ly use­ful sec­ond stringer–will depend large­ly on what 6.5 holds. If 7 isn’t to be released until mid-2005, that’s anoth­er year of InDesign erod­ing Quark’s user base and brand. Leaking rumors of 7 and its alleged­ly com­pet­i­tive fea­tures will only mit­i­gate the dam­age so far. Quark tru­ly needs to pro­vide a taste of the future in 6.5; the half-step ver­sion needs to prove Quark’s com­mit­ment to the cus­tomer and what his work is about.

The mar­ket needs from Quark a show of good faith.