Jurgen Kurz of Quark demoes new features at keynote address
Somewhat lost in the welter of buzz about Quark’s new look was the news that Jurgen Kurz, Quark’s senior vice president of product development, led the first public demo of Quark’s the next version of it’s flagship product, the layout tool XPress version 7 at Seybold Chicago, in the keynote address “Transforming the Business of Creative Communications.”
The talk is said to have touted such announced features as job jackets, opacity controls and a new rendering engine, as well as so-far lesser-accented features such as composition zones, which are meant to allow various participants in the creative and editorial process to work on the same Quark layout simultaneously in discretely defined and permitted areas (for instance, a designer can be laying out an ad in one area while an editor can be editing text content in another). A new synchronization palette is meant to make keeping content current amongst the creative and editorial team simple and quick.
A chief concern is user experience. Quoted by Publish.com, Kurz said of XPress 7:
The enhanced graphics capabilities of QuarkXPress 7 make the design experience more satisfying than ever
Coverage of the demo is somewhat scanty at this point, however, Macworld UK mentions it, and Publish.com has a fairly extensive article on the demo, including partial screenshots which give more of an idea–though tantalizingly incomplete–of what the face of XPress will look like.
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