QuarkXPress Files Go Open Standard With XML

New QXML DOM schema immediately opens QuarkXPress file format for open standard XML reading; next version of QXML to allow writing.

At Macworld San Francisco yes­ter­day Quark, Inc. intro­duced QXML, the QuarkXPress Markup Langauge, an XML schema of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Document Object Model (DOM) that enables devel­op­ers to cre­ate cus­tom XTensions soft­ware for XPress. The QXML schema ful­ly describes the QuarkXPress file for­mat in XML and enables QuarkXPress 6.5 XTensions soft­ware to be devel­oped using indus­try stan­dards and a wide vari­ety of devel­op­ment plat­forms and lan­guages, includ­ing C++, Java, .Net sup­port­ed lan­guages C# and VB​.Net, and script­ing lan­guages AppleScript, Perl, JScript, and VBScript. In the past, XTensions devel­op­ers were lim­it­ed to cod­ing in C or C++.

While C and C++ are pow­er­ful devel­op­ment lan­guages, devel­op­ers now use a wide vari­ety of devel­op­ment lan­guages. Porting soft­ware from oth­er appli­ca­tions and plat­forms to and from C and C++ can be a lengthy and cost-prohibitive task,” explained QuarkXPress Product Manager Tim Banister. “The cre­ation of QXML rad­i­cal­ly changes the land­scape for XTensions devel­op­ment and lets a brand-new group of devel­op­ers cre­ate cus­tom XTensions soft­ware for QuarkXPress – and with it, an even wider vari­ety of solu­tions for our cus­tomers. Quark is absolute­ly com­mit­ted to open stan­dards, and this demon­strates the strength of that commitment.”

Based on the W3C Document Object Model (DOM) stan­dard, which pro­vides a language-neutral inter­face for appli­ca­tions and scripts to dynam­i­cal­ly access and update con­tent, struc­ture, and styling of doc­u­ments, QXML presents a QuarkXPress project as an XML tree, and any mod­i­fi­ca­tions to the XML files change the QuarkXPress project in real time.

With QXML devel­op­ers can dynam­i­cal­ly access and update the con­tent, struc­ture, and even style of a QuarkXPress project using a DOM inter­face. XTensions mod­ules can be more ver­sa­tile because they can use a project’s com­plete con­tent, includ­ing all for­mat­ting, style sheets, hyphen­ation, and jus­ti­fi­ca­tion spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Additionally, devel­op­ers can run pow­er­ful query expres­sions with just a few lines of code using XPath queries. The same query using C/C++ code would require pages of code.

For many years, valu­able con­tent has been locked in pro­pri­etary file for­mats, while the move towards multi-channel pub­lish­ing has dic­tat­ed that it can no longer be used just for print,” said Juergen Kurz, Quark’s vice pres­i­dent of prod­uct devel­op­ment. “With an industry-standard method­ol­o­gy for describ­ing the QuarkXPress file for­mat, our cus­tomers have greater secu­ri­ty because their QuarkXPress con­tent can be eas­i­ly inte­grat­ed into today’s com­plex multi-channel pub­lish­ing environments.”

As an exam­ple of QXML use, Quark sug­gest­ed a pub­lish­er with a Java appli­ca­tion that uses a Web ser­vices pro­to­col to pull TV list­ings infor­ma­tion onto a Web site, then uses QXML to auto­mat­i­cal­ly insert the data in a press-ready QuarkXPress project file for TV list­ings with­in a week­ly magazine.

The QXML devel­op­er kit is avail­able on the QuarkAlliance XTensions devel­op­er web­site imme­di­ate­ly to cer­ti­fied QuarkXPress XTensions devel­op­ers. Developers can choose to devel­op XTensions mod­ules using the QuarkXPress XTensions Developer Kit (XDK), QXML, or both.