
Masking–selecting parts of an image to iso­late changes–is a con­stant part of any Photoshop work. We select with the Marquee Tool, the Magic Wand Tool, quick mask mode, the Select Color Range com­mand, and many, many oth­er tools, com­mands, and meth­ods. CMD+D/CTRL+D is the typ­i­cal way of des­e­lect­ing some­thing or remov­ing a mask, and it becomes to most Photoshoppers one of the most com­mon­ly used com­mands; it becomes an auto­mat­ic move­ment, even. So famil­iar is that short­cut, in fact, that it’s once in a while used too soon.

If you unin­ten­tion­al­ly des­e­lect a com­pli­cat­ed mask or real­ize after work­ing on the image that you need the selec­tion mask back again, do you have to painstak­ing­ly redraw it all over again? Nope.

On the Select menu is a hum­ble lit­tle com­mand called Reselect. Even if you haven’t saved the selec­tion mask to a chan­nel, Reselet remem­bers the last mask you used and des­e­lect­ed. Call this com­mand and your mask will return instantly.