Save InDesign Swatches for Other CS2 Applications

In Creative Suite 2 Adobe intro­duced the Adobe Swatch Exchange (.ASE) file for­mat. With it, you can cre­ate cus­tom swatch col­ors in InDesign, Illustrator, or Photoshop, and import them into the rest with­out hav­ing to man­u­al­ly recre­ate them. Among sev­er­al ram­i­fi­ca­tions, that means for print out­put pros few­er instances of the com­mon prob­lem of the same spot col­or used under mul­ti­ple names.

To copy swatch­es into anoth­er appli­ca­tion, choose Save Swatches for Exchange from the fly­out menu of any CS2 appli­ca­tion’s Swatches palette. You’ll be pre­sent­ed with the Save As dia­log, and you’ll cre­ate a .ASE file. Save the file–if it’s col­ors for a par­tic­u­lar project, save it in the project folder.

Load the swatch­es in the next CS2 appli­ca­tion by select­ing Load Swatches from the Swatches palette. Set the Files of Type drop­down to “Swatch Exchange (*.ASE),” and nav­i­gate to the loca­tion of the file you just cre­at­ed. Click Load, and your palette will pop­u­late. Now, load them into the next application.