Scale Strokes... Or Not

When scal­ing an object up or down, its stroke may end up look­ing too spindly or too thick in rela­tion to the object if Scale Strokes is turned off. Conversely, you may not want the stroke weight to change as you scale an object.

When lay­ing out a news­pa­per front page, for exam­ple, you may wind up resiz­ing pho­tos mul­ti­ple times, but your style guide still requires only a .5 point stroke around pho­tos. Resizing the pho­to then using the Stroke palette to fix the line around it is inef­fe­cient (and every­one knows I hate inefficiency).

Whichever your gripe, strokes scale when the should­n’t or don’t when they should, it’s an easy fix. Just tog­gle the Scale Strokes menu com­mand from the Transform palette fly­out menu.