Stop Runaround by Layers

When runaround is set on box­es, it will, by default, push around over­lap­ping text on any lay­ers below the cur­rent. Often, that’s the way we want it. However, lay­ers have been a means of exper­i­men­ta­tion, of try­ing out dif­fer­ent lay­outs risk-free. They’re also extreme­ly handy for set­ting multi-lingual doc­u­ments. In those cas­es, XPress’s habit of enforc­ing runaround across lay­ers, even if the lay­er con­tain­ing the runaround object is hid­den, can be a real pain in the neck.

The solu­tion is to double-click the lay­er, and, in the Attributes dia­log, uncheck Keep Runaround, which keeps runarounds from pre­vi­ous layers.