Stop Unembeddable Font Warnings

Despite the near impos­si­bil­i­ty of extract­ing embed­ded fonts from PDFs, some type foundries still pre­vent their fonts from being embed­ded in PDFs. While that choice is cer­tain­ly the type design­er’s to make, it can cre­ate quite an annoy­ance for an Illustrator user.

When you save an Illustrator CS/CS2/CS3 doc­u­ment using the default options, Illustrator auto­mat­i­cal­ly cre­ates a PDF com­pat­i­bil­i­ty lay­er in the AI. That PDF lay­er enables the AI to be opened in Acrobat or Adobe Reader (among oth­er func­tions). It’s a big con­ve­nience. However, when you allow Illustrator to add that PDF com­pat­i­bil­i­ty lay­er, it also tries to embed the fonts you’ve used. If you use a font whose cre­ator has dis­al­lowed embed­ding, Illustrator will warn you that the par­tic­u­lar font can’t be embedded.

And it will warn you again every time you press CMD+S/CTRL+S to save the file, which, if you’re smart, you do every few min­utes. What a pain!

The easy way to stop that warn­ing from appear­ing is to save (or resave with the File > Save As com­mand) your doc­u­ment with­out a PDF com­pat­i­bil­i­ty lay­er. Begin sav­ing or resav­ing the file as nor­mal. When the Illutrator Options dia­log appears, uncheck the Create PDF Compatible File option in the mid­dle of the dia­log. You’ll notice that doing that dis­ables the Fonts sec­tion above it. Click OK, and your doc­u­ment will be saved with­out fonts embedded.

The draw­backs to this trick is that, if you want to send the AI to some­one else for edit­ing in Illustrator or even just view­ing in Acrobat or Reader, you’ll have to send the fonts as well sep­a­rate­ly (a prob­a­ble license vio­la­tion). They won’t be embed­ded in the file, so the recip­i­ent will have to install the fonts you send.

Of course, if you don’t send out your AI files, this won’t be a problem.