Strata Foto 3D (for XPress Users)

Every two weeks Quark VS InDesign​.com and XChange International gives away 2 great prizes–an extra­or­di­nary xten­sion for QuarkXPress and an incred­i­ble InDesign plug-in. All you have to do to win is…

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That’s all. No pur­chase or song and dance nec­es­sary. A win­ner will be cho­sen at ran­dom from those who enter on this page.

This con­test has end­ed. On 2008-06-30 we gave
Strata Foto 3D 1.5 from Strata
To Mohamed N. of Brixworth, Northants United Kingdom

Congratulations, Mohamed! Get some prizes for your­self on our Contests & Giveaways page.

The Software We Gave Away This Time

Strata Foto 3D

Strata Foto 3D 1.5
Software from Strata

Strata Foto 3D 1.5 lets users cap­ture exist­ing real world items as 3D mod­els by using a dig­i­tal cam­era. Users can use Photoshop to load a series of masked pic­tures to Foto 3D and return a real-time 3D object to a 3D lay­er in Photoshop® CS3 Extended.

Strata Foto 3D is a pow­er­ful tool for cre­at­ing pro­fes­sion­al qual­i­ty 3D con­tent from still images. A wide range of objects can be mod­elled includ­ing those with holes and ‘dif­fi­cult’ organ­ic shapes. Using a con­ven­tion­al cam­era, pho­tos of your object on a print­ed mat are tak­en from a num­ber of view­points in front of a plain back­drop. The shape of the object and its sur­face colour are auto­mat­i­cal­ly extract­ed from each pho­to and this infor­ma­tion is used to build a high qual­i­ty 3D object.

The mod­el can be sent to a 3D lay­er in Photoshop CS3 EX or import­ed into a 3D edit­ing and ren­der­ing soft­ware such as Strata 3D CX. Finally, the mod­el can be import­ed into Strata Live 3D for inter­ac­tive 3D dis­play with­in a web­site, flash file, or an Adobe Acrobat PDF doc­u­ment (with­out any plug-ins).

The links between Photoshop CS3 and Strata’s acclaimed 3D suite grow even stronger with the release of Strata Foto 3D 1.5. Like the oth­er mem­bers of the suite, Strata 3D CX and Strata Live 3D, the con­nec­tion goes both ways.

Strata Foto 3D includes a handy script to com­bine all your prod­uct shots in one Photoshop doc­u­ment for mask­ing. Once you’ve masked the images, the Foto 3D plug-in can grab all your images in one shot, cre­ate the 3D mod­el and pass it back to Photoshop CS3 Extended. With the full ver­sion of Foto 3D, rather than the 3D[in] ver­sion, you have access to larg­er tex­tures, more detailed mod­els, and more pre­cise lens calibration.

All the fea­tures of Foto 3D[in] that you’ve seen so far are now com­plete­ly with­in Strata Foto 3D 1.5.

Take full advan­tage of an inte­grat­ed 3D/2D work­flow Strata Foto 3D 1.5 inte­grates with Photoshop CS3 in a num­ber of key ways.
– Create 3D Models From Images In Photoshop CS3 Extended

Use the includ­ed script to com­bine your prod­uct shots into one doc­u­ment for easy mask­ing. Use the Foto 3D plu­g­in to send all the images to Foto 3D for the cre­ation of the mod­el and tex­ture, then return the mod­el to Photoshop or save it for use in Strata 3D CX 5.5 or oth­er 3D applications.

Take the guess-work out of cre­at­ing photo-realistic 3D models.
– Export Real-Time 3D Models Directly To Photoshop

Strata Foto 3D is the per­fect way to start any 3D job. Capture your clients’
organ­ic and hard to mod­el objects pre­cise­ly and in record time.

Foto 3D objects work per­fect­ly with our oth­er Photoshop CS3 3D work­flow tools, such as Live 3D to export real-time 3D PDFs and web pages, and Strata 3D for fur­ther 3D illus­tra­tion, ani­ma­tion and photo-realistic rendering.