New Version of InCat, ActiveCatalogs

TradingBell released today new ver­sions of TradingBell CMS, a cat­a­log cre­ation, man­age­ment, and pub­lish­ing solu­tion, and InCat, an Adobe InDesign plug-in for build­ing and man­ag­ing cat­a­logs with­in InDesign for either OS X or Windows. The new ver­sions fea­ture an improved data export man­ag­er, tigher InDesign inte­gra­tion, a cat­a­log book builder, and book index gen­er­a­tion support.

TradingBell also announced the launch of its new ser­vice ActiveCatalogs. This ser­vice enables small to mid size com­pa­nies to co-source the process of design­ing and pub­lish­ing with TradingBell. With ActiveCatalogs ser­vice, man­u­fac­tur­ers and whole­salers can man­age their prod­uct data using the ActiveCatalogs web tools and TradingBell will design and deliv­er print ready cat­a­log files in PDF format–reducing the cost, resource and time asso­ci­at­ed with pub­lish­ing cat­a­logs in-house.

To clar­i­fy the cat­a­log chal­lenge, Hari Ramamurthy, CEO of TradingBell said: “Some com­pa­nies man­age to oper­ate in the tra­di­tion­al way with only a ready-to-print QuarkXpress file as the ‘repos­i­to­ry’ of their cat­a­log infor­ma­tion, but doing so is becom­ing increas­ing­ly prob­lem­at­ic. For most, the only way to cope is to imple­ment a ded­i­cat­ed cat­a­log sys­tem built around a cen­tral data­base repos­i­to­ry with capa­bil­i­ty to pub­lish cross-media catalogs”

TradingBell, with its pow­er­ful suite of soft­ware, solves this chal­lenge for com­pa­nies by tight­ly inte­grat­ing prod­uct con­tent man­age­ment, print pub­lish­ing and web pub­lish­ing with a sin­gle cen­tral repos­i­to­ry database.

Manufacturers and cat­a­logers can now pub­lish print cat­a­logs quick­ly with updat­ed prod­uct infor­ma­tion, and cus­tomize cat­a­logs to tar­get spe­cif­ic indus­try or mar­ket. One of the key advan­tages of TradingBell soft­ware is that it is designed to work effi­cient­ly with indus­try stan­dard Adobe soft­ware tools.

TradingBell also offers ser­vices to con­vert exist­ing prod­uct cat­a­logs from QuarkXpress, sta­t­ic HTML files, lega­cy sys­tems or hard­copy paper cat­a­logs to the TradingBell repos­i­to­ry. Other ser­vices include, on-site imple­men­ta­tion and train­ing, on-going sup­port, busi­ness process con­sult­ing and cat­a­log design and publication.

TradingBell has suc­cess­ful­ly licensed and imple­ment­ed its solu­tions to indus­tries such as HVAC/R whole­salers, retail dis­trib­u­tors and print publishers.

TradingBell, Inc. was incor­po­rat­ed in July 2004 as a spin-off from COMDUS Solutions, Inc, which devel­oped the ear­li­er ver­sions of CMS, InCat, and oth­er TradingBell products.

To request a demon­stra­tion of, or to pur­chase, TradingBell prod­ucts vis­it www​.TradingBell​.com.