Transform Objects Just Once, Then Transform Again Automatically

Rotating, skew­ing, resiz­ing. These are com­mon tasks. When you must trans­form mul­ti­ple objects the same way, say, scal­ing a page of image frames up to spe­cif­ic X and Y dimen­sions, it can be tedious. What you may not know is that InDesign CS2 includes com­mands to end the tedium.

Transform your first object by rotat­ing, scal­ing, skew­ing, or what­ev­er. Now select your sec­ond object, but don’t actu­al­ly trans­form it. Instead, go to Object > Transform Again > Transform Again. The trans­for­ma­tion oper­a­tion you per­formed on the first object will repli­cate on the second.

There’s even a key­board short­cut! Select your third object, hit the key­board short­cut shown next to the Transform Again menu com­mand, and move on to the fourth object to be transformed.

Want to trans­form a whole page of objects all at once instead of doing them one at a time? That’s just as easy. Perform your trans­for­ma­tions once, and then select all oth­er trans­for­ma­tion can­di­dates. Choose Object > Transform Again > Transform Again Individually, and all select­ed objects will rotate, scale, or skew to match the first.