Typefi Announces Version 2.5 of the Typefi Publishing System -- The Automated Scriptless Publishing Solution

World leader in dynamic enterprise publishing releases the latest version of their XML-based automated scriptless publishing system.

Press Release

San Jose, CA–(QUARKvsINDESIGN.com)–July 28, 2005–Typefi Systems, Inc. has announced the release of ver­sion 2.5 of its flag­ship Typefi Publishing System (TPS). TPS ver­sion 2.5 pro­vides ease-of-use and robust new capa­bil­i­ties for auto­mat­ed script­less pub­lish­ing, work­flow man­age­ment and con­tent management.

TPS v2.5 uses intel­li­gent lay­out tech­nol­o­gy to cap­ture design and pre­sen­ta­tion rules and then auto­mat­i­cal­ly lay­out any com­bi­na­tion of text, tables, illus­tra­tions, inline images, and oth­er highly-formatted ele­ments at speeds that are thou­sands of times faster than a man­u­al process – up to 15,000 rich­ly for­mat­ted pages per hour with no prac­ti­cal lim­its to its scalability.

TPS offers auto­mat­ed sup­port for the lat­est Adobe pub­lish­ing tools. The pub­lish­ing sys­tem is ful­ly com­pat­i­ble with Adobe InDesign CS and InDesign CS2, so design­ers can pro­duce tem­plates that access the full set of InDesign func­tion­al­i­ty and its supe­ri­or typo­graph­i­cal capa­bil­i­ties. Scriptless com­po­si­tion allows design­ers to cre­ate tem­plates with­in InDesign that are ful­ly auto­mat­ed through the TPS Designer plug-ins. Automating an exist­ing tem­plate can take as lit­tle as 10 min­utes. Using sophis­ti­cat­ed patent-pending lay­out tech­niques and a high-speed batch com­po­si­tion engine, TPS can then use that tem­plate to pro­duce thou­sands of unique, high qual­i­ty, print ready pages every hour, with­out a sin­gle line of cus­tom code or scripting. 

The com­bi­na­tion of TPS with Adobe InDesign CS2 offers our joint cus­tomers the best in cutting-edge design and auto­mat­ed work­flow” said Sue Scheen, Adobe VP, Worldwide Sales, “We are excit­ed to see part­ners like Typefi build­ing auto­mat­ed work­flow and con­tent man age­ment solu­tions around the new Adobe Creative Suite 2”.

At the heart of TPS is a pow­er­ful XML-based con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem. With bi-directional con­vert­ers to and from Word and InDesign to the cen­tral XML repos­i­to­ry, TPS deliv­ers state-of-the-art XML con­tent pro­duc­tion with­out the end-users requir­ing any spe­cif­ic XML knowl­edge. XML com­pat­i­bil­i­ty future-proofs” con­tent for both archival and multi-channel pur­pos­es while allow­ing pro­duc­tion teams to keep work­ing with the client tools with which they are already familiar.

With ver­sion 2.5 of TPS, we offer the com­plete val­ue propo­si­tion,” said Steve Huff, CEO of Typefi, “TPS offers all the ben­e­fits of auto­mat­ed pub­lish­ing, with work­flow and con­tent man­age­ment, but with the added ben­e­fit of auto­mat­ed script­less com­po­si­tion that pro­vides an ROI in a mat­ter of weeks, not months or years”.

Productivity is expo­nen­tial­ly boost­ed with TPS” s roundtrip edit­ing. All text and styling changes made to the type­set pages can be auto­mat­i­cal­ly extract­ed back to the cen­tral XML repos­i­to­ry and out to all oth­er edi­tions, includ­ing the source Word doc­u­ments. This ensures the next edi­tion or the repur­posed and archived con­tent always com­plete­ly mir­rors that of the print­ed con­tent while remain­ing in a form ide­al for re-use. Because the XML is syn­chro­nized across the sys­tem from source doc­u­ments to out­put doc­u­ments, doc­u­ment ver­sions pub­lished to a web site, e‑book or CD will always con­tain the last minute changes invari­ably made to the print­ed pages. 

Version 2.5 of TPS adds exten­sive new sup­port for com­plex tables, images, XML work­flows, improved admin­is­tra­tor and project-level user man­age­ment, com­plete Unicode sup­port, and many oth­er new ben­e­fits,” said Stephen O“Brien, CTO / Chairman of Typefi, “Typefi“s auto­mat­ed script­less com­po­si­tion allows doc­u­ment work­groups to auto­mate exist­ing doc­u­ment designs using their c urrent resources, while imme­di­ate­ly reduc­ing pro­duc­tion costs and time.”

TPS is an inte­grat­ed client/server solu­tion that can be rapid­ly installed on a sin­gle work­sta­tion or across a net­work deliv­er­ing an imme­di­ate ROI for all doc­u­ment pro­duc­tion activ­i­ties. TPS“s advanced web con­sole makes it sim­ple to man­age col­lab­o­ra­tion involv­ing both inter­nal and exter­nal staff. Managers can see at a glance where each part of the project stands. TPS can be eas­i­ly inte­grat­ed into exist­ing pub­lish­ing work­flows with min­i­mal train­ing; typ­i­cal­ly no more than a day“s train­ing is required for edi­to­r­i­al, design and com­po­si­tion staff. All the com­po­nents of TPS can run on both Microsoft Windows XP and Apple Macintosh OS X for max­i­mum com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with exist­ing hardware. 

For more infor­ma­tion on TPS ver­sion 2.5, or to sched­ule a live web demo to see this new tech­nol­o­gy, please call (866) 279‑5173-x221.

About Typefi

Typefi is a leader in the devel­op­ment of intel­li­gent, scal­able, cross-channel pub­lish­ing solu­tions. Typefi is the sole provider of com­plete­ly standards-based, script­less pub­lish­ing solu­tions for the rapid pro­duc­tion of richly-formatted doc­u­ments such as books, annu­al reports, tech­ni­cal man­u­als, jour­nals, and mar­ket­ing col­lat­er­al in work­groups or enterprise-wide envi­ron­ments. For more infor­ma­tion on Typefi, please vis­it http://​www​.type​fi​.com