WoodWing Releases Smart Layout CS for InCopy & InDesign CS

WoodWing Software today announced the launch of Smart Layout CS v3.1. As the next gen­er­a­tion of Smart Layout (SL), this prod­uct works with the CS ver­sions of InDesign and InCopy and intro­duces many improve­ments over pre­vi­ous SL versions.

Smart Layout CS v3.1 adds the Article Concept (the abil­i­ty to com­bine all a page’s ele­ments into one) to InDesign, just as ear­li­er ver­sions of SL did, but also offers many new fea­tures, including:

• Users can now select a group of page items and con­vert them to SL arti­cles with one click. 

• With Automatic XML map­ping, users don’t have to under­stand XML or even think about using it. 

• CopyFit, the abil­i­ty to refor­mat con­tent so it fits its ele­ments, and Square Off, the abil­i­ty to resize an arti­cle so all columns are lev­eled, can be done in one click. 

• SL InCopy users can now cre­ate struc­tured arti­cles with mul­ti­ple com­po­nents from scratch. 

• By using the pre-designed Smart Layout tem­plates, InDesign users can lay out arti­cles with mul­ti­ple com­po­nents. This means design­ers can take an arti­cle that was cre­at­ed in InCopy (with mul­ti­ple com­po­nents), place it in InDesign and all pieces of con­tent will flow into the cor­rect elements. 

• Flexible Column Gutters allows for different-width gut­ters inside an article. 

Further improve­ments include more flex­i­ble text wrap behav­ior, sup­port for child items out­side par­ent bound­ing box, nest­ed SL items, (basic) script­ing sup­port, group­ing inside SL, ver­ti­cal jus­ti­fi­ca­tion and improved API, to name a few. Smart Layout CS v3.1 is avail­able for InDesign CS, InCopy CS and as a free read­er ver­sion, designed for ser­vice bureaus to eas­i­ly review doc­u­ments cre­at­ed in these programs.