WoodWing Teams Up With Leading Provider of Newspaper Web Site Services


DETROIT, Dec. 27 – WoodWing Software™ has teamed up with 1up! ™, one of the lead­ing providers of Web site host­ing ser­vices and soft­ware for the news­pa­per industry.

Newspapers using WoodWing’s industry-leading Smart Connection Enterprise™ edi­to­r­i­al sys­tem are now able to employ 1up!‘s Web site ser­vices – mean­ing all their edi­to­r­i­al con­tent can flow seam­less­ly to the Web.

This is a fan­tas­tic oppor­tu­ni­ty for news­pa­pers of any size,” said Brian Kruger, CEO of WoodWing USA. “Having a robust, viable Web site is vital for any news­pa­per, and thanks to this part­ner­ship with 1up!, we’ve tak­en away all the headaches asso­ci­at­ed with it. Smart Connection Enterprise™ users will see their con­tent flow auto­mat­i­cal­ly to the Web, and their sites will look great.”

More than 300 news­pa­pers in North America are already using 1up!‘s Web site ser­vices, and through this part­ner­ship with WoodWing, that num­ber is expect­ed to grow.

The Web sites host­ed by 1up! can be ful­ly cus­tomized, and include a host of fea­tures that are pop­u­lar with read­ers, includ­ing the abil­i­ty to eas­i­ly search for arti­cles, pho­tos and ads; cus­tom read­er polls and oth­er inter­ac­tive fea­tures; the abil­i­ty to view arti­cles in a vari­ety of ways; and much more.

The whole idea behind a news­pa­per Web site is to gen­er­ate rev­enue, and 1up! helps make this hap­pen in a vari­ety of ways,” Kruger said. “And the fact that we’ve elim­i­nat­ed the headaches with hav­ing to host your own site is tremen­dous. This part­ner­ship with 1up! will allow pub­lish­ers and edi­tors to con­cen­trate their resources in oth­er areas now. We feel this is going to be a huge advan­tage for our customers.”

About WoodWing
Since 1997, WoodWing Software engi­neers have worked with the Adobe InDesign® engi­neer­ing team to devel­op plug-ins and solu­tions for Adobe InDesign® and InCopy®. WoodWing Software offers solu­tions, pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tools and plug-ins that make pub­lish­ing with these pro­grams faster, eas­i­er and much more effective.

About 1up!
Web Software, L.L.C. ™ is the par­ent com­pa­ny of 1up!. Through their
pow­er­ful tools, 1up! offers online edi­to­r­i­al and rev­enue con­tent management
and host­ing solu­tions for news­pa­pers. For more infor­ma­tion on 1up!, visit