WoodWing’s Smart Catalog v. 4.0 Now Fully Compatible With Adobe CS2

Press Release

ZAANDAM, THE NETHERLANDS–(QuarkVSInDesign.com)–June 6, 2005—WoodWing Software has intro­duced Smart Catalog ver­sion 4.0 — an updat­ed ver­sion of one of the industry’s most pop­u­lar and pow­er­ful solu­tions for pub­lish­ers of cat­a­logs and brochures. The new ver­sion of Smart Catalog is ful­ly com­pat­i­ble with Adobe’s InDesign CS2 and InCopy CS2.

WoodWing offi­cials say that Smart Catalog 4.0 con­tains some enhance­ments that will make the prod­uct even more valu­able and flexible.

“Our cus­tomers who use Smart Catalog will be very pleased when they see the updat­ed ver­sion of the product,” said Erik Schut, President of WoodWing Software. “It works per­fect­ly with CS2, and now, offers two new add-on modules.”

Brian Kruger, CEO of WoodWing USA, said that a great prod­uct has got­ten even bet­ter with the release of ver­sion 4.0. “The enhance­ments that have been made with Smart Catalog are very impressive,” Kruger said. “It’s now even more ver­sa­tile for any­one who pub­lish­es cat­a­logs, brochures or sim­i­lar products.”

Smart Catalog pro­vides pow­er­ful data­base pub­lish­ing capa­bil­i­ties to InDesign users by link­ing a data source to a doc­u­men­t’s text or image frames, allow­ing pub­lish­ers to quick­ly set up prod­uct and image cat­a­logs. Once the cat­a­log or brochure is laid out, a sin­gle click will update changes from the data file or database.

According to WoodWing USA Vice President of Projects Jeff Gapp, the pri­ma­ry enhance­ment with Smart Catalog 4.0 is the intro­duc­tion of the XML and ODBC Database modules.

“What this means is that because of the ODBC mod­ule, Smart Catalog can work with vir­tu­al­ly every major database,” Gapp said. “ It links to var­i­ous data­bas­es like SQL
serv­er, FileMaker, MySQL and Oracle intro­duc­ing SQL pow­er to Smart Catalog.”

With the XML mod­ule, Gapp said that users can use the struc­ture and flex­i­bil­i­ty of XML to build the cat­a­log with the abil­i­ty to link to any XML file. The user can get all the attrib­ut­es from an XML tag and link them to InDesign page ele­ments. “This is great for inte­grat­ing a con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem with an InDesign publication,” Gapp said.

WoodWing USA’s Kruger said that some of the lead­ing pub­lish­ers in the world use Smart Catalog, and now, there’s even more to like.

“No mat­ter what size pub­li­ca­tion you have, if you’re using InDesign to pro­duce your cat­a­log or brochure, you should be using Smart Catalog,” Kruger said. “It was a great prod­uct in the past, and now, it’s even better.”

About Smart Catalog
The Smart Catalog solu­tion deliv­ers pow­er­ful data­base pub­lish­ing capa­bil­i­ties to Adobe InDesign users. Smart Catalog links a data source to a doc­u­men­t’s text or image frames, and allows pub­lish­ers to quick­ly set up prod­uct and image cat­a­logs. As the data in the doc­u­ment is linked instead of copied, the data remains “live” and can be updat­ed or changed by the click of a button.

Smart Catalog enables record link­ing in a doc­u­ment one link at a time, and also sup­ports com­plete group link­ing of relat­ed records. It’s an incred­i­bly effi­cient tool for glossy brochures, non-tabular cat­a­logs and prod­uct list­ings in tab­u­lar format.

About WoodWing
Since 1997, WoodWing Software engi­neers have worked with the Adobe InDesign engi­neer­ing team to devel­op plug-ins and devel­op­ment ser­vices for Adobe InDesign and InCopy cus­tomers through­out the pub­lish­ing industry.

Through a com­bi­na­tion of pub­lish­ing indus­try expe­ri­ence and a deep knowl­edge of the Adobe InDesign/InCopy archi­tec­ture, WoodWing Software offers solu­tions, pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tools and plug-ins that make pub­lish­ing with these pro­grams faster, eas­i­er and much more effective.

Its prod­ucts include Smart Catalog, Smart Layout, Smart Styles and the acclaimed Smart Connection fam­i­ly of edi­to­r­i­al solu­tions. WoodWing is based in Zaandam, The Netherlands, with U.S. oper­a­tions head­quar­tered in Detroit.