X-ray 1.0 Plug–in for Adobe InDesign and InCopy


DTP Tools X-ray Plug-in 1.0
X‑ray 1.0 Palette defin­ing the trans­paren­cy of oth­er palettes

Prague, EU–DTP Tools announces imme­di­ate avail­abil­i­ty of its Adobe InDesign and InCopy plug–in X‑ray 1.0. X‑ray plug-in facil­i­tates work with InDesign, when there is too many pan­els need­ed to fit on a sin­gle screen. With this plug-in user can set desired opac­i­ty to every pan­el and tool bar. When using X‑ray, design­ers can see their work through the tools. 

Key features

Plug-in allows to set dif­fer­ent opac­i­ty every pan­el in InDesign or InCopy. Panel opac­i­ty can be turned off with a sin­gle click or a hot key. X‑Ray 1.0 is com­pat­i­ble with InDesign and InCopy CS & CS2 on both, Mac and PC.

Pricing and availability

14 days try–out ver­sion of X‑ray is avail­able for down­load at http://www.dtptools.com/x‑ray. On the same URL you can also pur­chase the license. Product is deliv­ered in elec­tron­ic form only. 

Mac ver­sion direct down­load link: http://​www​.dtp​tools​.com/ x‑ray/x‑ray_1.0.bin 1441 KB Windows ver­sion direct down­load link: http://​www​.dtp​tools​.com/ x‑ray/x‑ray_1.0.msi 1105 KB Single license price is $19 .

About DTP Tools

DTP Tools is a brand of soft­ware for design­ers and pub­lish­ers cre­at­ed by the Goldwein Research com­pa­ny. DTP Tools include InDesign, InCopy, QuarkXPress and FrameMaker solu­tions such as pop­u­lar History plug-in for Adobe InDesign and Text Count plug-in for Adobe InDesign, FrameMaker and QuarkXPress. DTP Tools home page.