X-Rite and Quark Announce New Color Management Bundles for QuarkAlliance Users

Press Release

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GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–July 28, 2005–Quark and X‑Rite (NASDAQ:XRIT) announce two new col­or man­age­ment bun­dles exclu­sive­ly for QuarkAlliance mem­bers. These supe­ri­or col­or solu­tion pack­ages ensure that col­or is accu­rate­ly cap­tured and com­mu­ni­cat­ed from the begin­ning of the design work­flow to the end of the print pro­duc­tion process. All QuarkAlliance mem­bers can now order the “Quark-specific” bun­dles exclu­sive­ly from XChangeNA​.com, a Quark-authorized distributor. 

These two new offer­ings are the first tan­gi­ble results of our selec­tion as a pre­mier part­ner in the QuarkAlliance pro­gram, announced less than two months ago,” said James Weaver, Vice President of Marketing and Product Development at X‑Rite. “We appre­ci­ate the oppor­tu­ni­ty to deliv­er excep­tion­al col­or man­age­ment solu­tions exclu­sive­ly to QuarkAlliance mem­bers. These new prod­uct bun­dles assure a stream­lined col­or work­flow required by QuarkXPress design and print­ing professionals.” 

Design Edition

Enables graph­ic design­ers to reli­ably pick col­ors, trust their dis­plays, and cre­ate accu­rate print­ing proofs. X‑Rite’s award-winning MonacoOPTIX(XR) and high­ly praised Pulse ColorElite solu­tions man­age col­or on input, dis­play, and out­put devices. ColorShop X enables the pick­ing, com­par­i­son, and repro­duc­tion of cus­tom col­ors, and MonacoQCcolor, when used with Pulse, ensures that print­ed out­put meets industry-standard proof­ing con­di­tions. All com­po­nents can be con­ve­nient­ly stored in the sup­plied portable acces­so­ry kit. 

Service Provider Edition

Enables print­ing facil­i­ties and pro­duc­tion depart­ments to read­i­ly receive color-managed files. X‑Rite’s MonacoPROFILER pro­duces high-quality ICC pro­files for input, out­put, and dis­play devices. MonacoOPTIX(XR) and DTP70 rep­re­sent the most accu­rate and advanced dis­play and out­put col­or mea­sure­ment solu­tions avail­able. ColorShop X and MonacoQCcolor Server assure color-accurate output. 

About X-Rite

X‑Rite is a lead­ing provider of col­or man­age­ment solu­tions com­prised of hard­ware, soft­ware, and ser­vices for the ver­i­fi­ca­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion of col­or data. The Company serves a broad range of indus­tries, includ­ing pho­to, dig­i­tal imag­ing, graph­ic arts, indus­tri­al and retail col­or match­ing, med­ical, and den­tal. X‑Rite serves mar­kets in over 88 coun­tries, with offices through­out Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Please vis­it www​.xrite​.com for more information. 

About QuarkAlliance

QuarkAlliance™ is a member-based sup­port pro­gram pro­vid­ed by Quark, Inc. QuarkAlliance pro­vides mar­ket­ing resources, tech­ni­cal sup­port, prod­uct and pro­gram dis­counts, and oth­er ben­e­fits that a third-party net­work of part­ners needs to deliv­er on-target solu­tions to cus­tomers work­ing with QuarkXPress® software.

Quark, QuarkXPress, xten­sions, col­or man­age­ment, cms