XChange International announce immediate availability of Quark Print Collection for QuarkXPress 7


London, UK – 16 October 2006 – XChange International, the source for extend­ed tech­nol­o­gy world­wide, are pleased to announce the avail­abil­i­ty of the new Quark Print Collection(QPC), a com­pre­hen­sive set of pre­press tools for organ­i­sa­tions involved in the print pro­duc­tion process. Users can choose to impose native QuarkXPress lay­outs using QuarkXPress 7 or impose PDF files using Adobe Acrobat 7, there­by allow­ing for max­i­mum flex­i­bil­i­ty in deal­ing with cus­tomer files in what­ev­er for­mat they are received. Unlike oth­er impo­si­tion solu­tions, all impo­si­tion is han­dled in the print stream, so the source files are not affected.

Quark Print Collection con­sists of the fol­low­ing soft­ware com­po­nents orig­i­nal­ly devel­oped by ALAP for pri­or ver­sions of QuarkXPress:

  • Quark Imposer for QuarkXPress 7
  • Quark Imposer for Adobe Acrobat 7
  • Quark MarkIt for QuarkXPress 7
  • Quark Item Marks for QuarkXPress 7

Imposer and Imposer Pro for QuarkXPress 7 â€¹ Lets users impose pages from a sin­gle QuarkXPress doc­u­ment into 2 up, 4 up or 8 up flats. Imposer gives users full con­trol over creep, bleed, and crossover traps. Whether a pro­duc­tion piece is a brochure or a book, Imposer offers a seam­less, easy-to-use solu­tion to QuarkXPress.

€ Three sheet types: 2‑Up, 4‑Up, 8‑Up
€ Five impo­si­tion types: Standard, Work & Turn, Work & Tumble, Split Web, and Sheet Wise € Flip and move pages with­in a print­er flat € Specify the num­ber of pages in a sig­na­ture € Control plate mar­gins, hor­i­zon­tal, ver­ti­cal and spread gaps, bleeds, crossover trap­ping, and creep € Start an impo­si­tion at any page in the doc­u­ment € Save fre­quent­ly used set­tings as reusable impo­si­tion styles € Export impo­si­tion styles to share them with oth­er users € Preview any print­er flat; con­trol colour depth of pre­views € Display page bound­aries, bleeds, and page num­bers in pre­views as nec­es­sary € Support for Tiling € Print with stan­dard QuarkXPress controls

Imposer Pro for Adobe Acrobat – Provides users with the abil­i­ty to impose PDF pages from with­in an Acrobat doc­u­ment into 2 up, 4 up or 8 up flats‹all from a sim­ple to use visu­al inter­face. Imposer Pro also gives users full con­trol over creep, bleed, and crossover traps and offers bind­ing types for Saddle Stitch, Perfect Bound, Stacked, and None as well as five impo­si­tion types‹Standard, Work and Turn, Work and Tumble, Split Web, and Sheet Wise.

Features Include:
€ Three sheet types: 2‑Up, 4‑Up, 8‑Up
€ Five impo­si­tion types: Standard, Work & Turn, Work & Tumble, Split Web, and Sheet Wise € Accommodates for sad­dle stitched, per­fect bound, spi­ral bound, comb bound, three-hole punched and sin­gle cut sheets € Flip and move pages with­in a print­er flat € Specify the num­ber of pages in a sig­na­ture € Control plate mar­gins, hor­i­zon­tal, ver­ti­cal and spread gaps, bleeds, crossover trap­ping, and creep € Start an impo­si­tion at any page in the doc­u­ment € Save fre­quent­ly used set­tings as reusable impo­si­tion styles € Export impo­si­tion styles to share them with oth­er users € Preview any print­er flat € Display page bound­aries, bleeds, and page num­bers in pre­views as necessary

MarkIt – With MarkIt, users can make pages com­plete­ly ready for press by giv­ing them the abil­i­ty to posi­tion press marks such as trim lines, reg­is­tra­tion tar­gets, and colour and greyscale bars‹simply by drag­ging them into a proxy of the active doc­u­ment. MarkIt enables the user to cre­ate cus­tom reg­is­tra­tion styles that can be used in place of QuarkXPress’s default set­tings and users can cus­tomise MarkIt with a logo, a new reg­is­tra­tion mark, or even a colour or greyscale bar cre­at­ed in any graph­ics pro­gram and saved as EPS files.

XPert Item Marks (part of their XPert Tools XTensions suite) – XPert ItemMarks pro­vides con­ve­nient meth­ods for mak­ing crop and reg­is­tra­tion marks for indi­vid­ual items and pages with QuarkXPress. XPert ItemMarks sup­ports the mul­ti­ple undo and redo fea­ture in QuarkXPress and gives users the abil­i­ty to con­trol the place­ment of the crop, bleed, mar­gin marks, guides, and dimen­sion arrows. Users can eas­i­ly deter­mine the type and place­ment of the reg­is­tra­tion marks, includ­ing tar­gets, colour bars, and text slugs as well as the lay­er where marks, guides, and arrows reside and can indi­cate a loca­tion on the page, and a loca­tion in rela­tion to the select­ed item.

System Requirements:
Mac OS
Requires Mac OS® X v10.4 or later
QuarkXPress® 7.01 and/or Adobe® Acrobat® 7 Hardware CD-ROM dri­ve for instal­la­tion Minimum 128MB total RAM 50MB avail­able hard disk space for XTensions® (QuarkXPress) 5MB avail­able hard disk space for Plug-in (Adobe Acrobat)

Microsoft® Windows® XP
QuarkXPress 7.0 and/or Adobe Acrobat 7
CD-ROM dri­ve for installation
Minimum 128MB total RAM
10MB avail­able hard disk space for XTensions (QuarkXPress) 5MB avail­able hard disk space for Plug-in (Adobe Acrobat)

Quark Print Collection (QPC) is avail­able now through XChange International.
Existing users of ALAP Imposer Pro for QuarkXPress can upgrade to the Quark Print Collection for 50% off until 31st January 2007. The XTension com­po­nents of the prod­uct are in Universal Binary for­mat, how­ev­er the Imposer Pro plug-in for Acrobat 7 is not yet Universal Binary because Acrobat 7 is not Intel-native. To order, or for more infor­ma­tion, users can vis­it www​.xchangeuk​.com, or call on +44(0)20 7490 4455 dur­ing UK busi­ness hours. Email address is info@​xchangeuk.​com.

XChange are a lead­ing sup­pli­er of desk­top graph­ic and pub­lish­ing appli­ca­tions, QuarkXTension® tech­nol­o­gy; Adobe InDesign®, Acrobat® and Photoshop® Plug-ins® and oth­er design and pub­lish­ing util­i­ties. XChange offer extend­ed tech­nol­o­gy prod­ucts from across the world spe­cif­ic to the graph­ic design, print and pub­lish­ing indus­tries and make them avail­able to an exten­sive user base via their print­ed cat­a­logue or online at their web site. The com­pa­ny are head­quar­tered in Central London and also offer spe­cial­ist train­ing on many of the solu­tions they sell.